Chapter 58

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Chapter 58 (Not at all Tianliang Wang Po [2 more]...)

    Qi Yu forbade Qi Chen to tell his elder brother and the others about this.

    If the eldest brother knows, how can he give Xie Jing room to play.

    Qi Yu felt that she had to give face to her boyfriend.

    It was not in vain that she was bitten this time.

    Through her smooth hair, Qi Yu touched her cute ears, thinking angrily.

    Besides, if the eldest brother and the others found out, wouldn't they be held some weird puberty meeting again?

    No, absolutely not.

    Qi Yu has had enough meetings.

    She feels that she has not gone to work yet, and she has already developed a resistance to the meeting. If she is not willing to go to work in the future, she will blame her elder brother.

    Let the elder brother raise her.

    Qi Yu thought confidently.

    So, during dinner that night, Qi Juan always felt that his sister looked at him strangely.

    As if trying to plot against him.

    "Sister, is there anything strange on Big Brother's face?"

    Qi Juan has always been straightforward.

    Qi Yu shook his head quickly: "No, no, I just think that big brother is a little more handsome today."

    Qi Chen: "..."

    "Dog legs."

    On the contrary, Qi Juan, who was teased by his sister, smiled a little more on his face: "You It’s going to be winter vacation.”

    “Would you like to go to Big Brother’s company

    for an internship?” Qi Yu shook her head even faster when she thought of going to Big Brother’s company and facing his stern face every day, and maybe having a meeting with her every day: “ No, no, I won’t work for elder brother.”

    “What a part-time job, you can learn something.” Qi Juan rubbed his sister’s little head, “It’s good for you to learn more, don’t do homework every day .”

    In Qi Juan's mind, his sister is like a little bookworm.

    If there is nothing wrong, just brush the questions.

    Almost every time he looks for his sister, she is either doing or preparing to do a quiz.

    The young girl lived like an old pedant.

    Qi Jun was quite worried that his younger sister would become a real pedant in the future.

    Qi Xun was also at home for a rare occasion today, listening to his elder brother lobbying his younger sister, and he was not to be outdone: "Baby, elder brother is going to the crew of a Xianxia drama during the winter vacation, do you want to play together?" "They are all young people."


    Xianxia Drama?" The kind of gods floating around appeared in Qi Yu's mind, and he didn't know how such a drama was filmed.

    "Second brother, is that the big IP you want to pick up that was uploaded on the Internet?"

    I heard that this drama has gathered all the big stars in the entertainment industry, as well as veteran actors.

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