A/N before we begin

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I'm so normal about this ship shahdhfhsaofh

Anyways yeah I'll be dumping whatever I have to say/write about this ship in here. If you don't like this ship I suggest you to leave, as Micbulb is the only ship this book will focus on. 

This book will contain stories (fluff and angst), headcanons and probably incorrect quotes too because I'm so normal about those. And ofc more random shit.

So let's hope I don't forget about this book hehehhe- 

And let's enjoy the beauty of this self insert rare pair I write about to fill the emptiness in my heart! /silly

I'm silly I promise, I also just really like this pair and ship it cuz I kin them hard and also want to be comforted but also want to provide comfort. Oh also I will write about them to cope with whatever shit I have. It's healthy to write as a coping mechanism right? Yeah right. 

Ok I've rambled enough. Stay tuned for the next chapter! 


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