Death bed

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I wanna try to write about one character dying of a terminal illness and saying goodbye to their loved ones on a death bed to see if I can write that. If you are somehow in some way triggered by things like this (because you lost a loved one yourself for example) I suggest you to not read this. Now, for the story, they're humans. MePhone can't recover anyone and basically no one died on the show before except Bow and Dough (let's just pretend he died the same way Bow died). Enjoy! I guess...?

Lightbulb had been battling a pretty nasty illness for about four years now, and she had been doing pretty good, until she started getting sick again. The doctor had examined her and finally had the results. He looked at the files and then at Lightbulb and Microphone, who were sitting in front of him. Lightbulb looked at Mic, fear visible in her eyes. Microphone squeezed her hand comfortingly, though she also felt fear. The doctor cleared his throat.

"The results are back and... I have some bad news."

"What is it?" Lightbulb asked, trying not to sound too scared.

"Lightbulb, you only have two weeks to live." The doctor replied.

Lightbulb felt tears well up in her eyes, as well as Mic. They hugged each other. This was some shit to take in. 

"I-I don't want to die, I don't want you and my friends to be sad." Lightbulb cried.

Hearing that made Mic only tear up more. Lightbulb cared more about her loved ones than herself sometimes, and it was too sweet.


The two weeks passed soon. Microphone didn't leave Lightbulb's side once (okay, she only left to get food for herself or something for Lightbulb). Even though Lightbulb was physically unable to get out of bed (as she was tired as hell thanks to her illness) she and Mic (and sometimes friends that came to visit) made the most of it. They talked together, watched movies together, reminisced on better times, that kind of stuff.

As the weeks went on, Lightbulb started getting more tired and slept more, but she did talk a lot with Mic. She sometimes slept and woke up again, telling Mic that she dreamed about flying high above the land, flying over the hospital, flying over the contestant grounds and laughing at MePhone who was eating cookies, stuff like that. Mic just listened with a somewhat sad smile.

Eventually, Lightbulb was moved to her death bed. She was going to say goodbye soon and her friends and loved ones were standing all around her. The people standing there were Paintbrush, Fan, Test Tube, Bot, Microphone (of course), Knife and MePhone4, which surprised everyone. Lightbulb couldn't help but smile at the people standing all around her. They loved her, they appreciated her, and they came to say goodbye to her. Lightbulb decided she would say something to everyone in the room, to acknowledge their presence and because they, in her opinion, each deserved a nice goodbye. She started with Paintbrush.

"Painty," she said, her voice hoarse, "I- I want you to take care of Baxter for me, okay? Tell him that- tell him that I went to sleep and that we'll see each other again someday."

Paintbrush, holding back tears, nodded.

"I will take care of him as if he were my son." They promised.

Lightbulb smiled and went to Test Tube, who was standing next to Paintbrush.

"Tube, I want you to take care of Fan. Make sure he- he doesn't write those cursed fanfics again." She said, half jokingly.

"Hey! My fanfics aren't that cursed." Fan said, in a playfully angry tone.

"Well uh, actually I write these cursed things too, it's funny." Test Tube confessed, making Lightbulb chuckle.

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