Taco's love advice

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They're objects and this is an AU where Taco did keep her promise and she and Mic stayed friends. Ugh I just really like Taco okay? I wish she kept her promise with Mic cuz they could've been friends. Could've. Well, anyway, this takes place after the competition and everyone lives in Hotel OJ, except Taco cuz everyone else still hates her. Enjoy! I hc Mic to have a tail so expect her to have a tail in every story where they are objects cuz I won't keep mentioning it every time.

Microphone had been feeling weird lately. It wasn't a bad feeling; on the contrary, it was the good kind of weird. Ever since she had to share a room with Lightbulb, she had been feeling these weird feelings towards her. She didn't know why, but something about Lightbulb was charming. How she talked, how she laughed, how she somehow managed to come up with the silliest yet beautiful solutions to problems which ended up working pretty well, okay, maybe it wasn't just something, maybe it was everything that was charming about Lightbulb.

Microphone's feelings only worsened as time went on. She couldn't even talk to Lightbulb, think of Lightbulb or have physical contact with Lightbulb without feeling flustered. Even a little simple touch or a hug already left her blushing like crazy. She didn't know how to talk about these feelings, though. Hell, it was her first time experiencing this! What even were those feelings?! 

Microphone was pretty frustrated with herself at the moment, so she took her diary and went outside to clear her mind. Without thinking, Microphone walked into the forest. She always went here to clear her mind or meet up with Taco.

Taco... Mic hadn't spoken to her in a while. After the competition (which Mic, unfortunately, didn't end up winning), the two decided to stay friends, as they both found themselves attached to one another. Mic was afraid Taco would be mad at her at first because she didn't end up winning, but Taco had reassured her it was fine and Mic had earned her respect at least. Ever since then, they remained friends. 

Microphone sat down on the tree trunk she was sitting on when she and Taco met for the first time and pulled out her diary. She opened it and started writing down her thoughts.

Dear Mic's diary,

I've been feeling weirder around Lightbulb (still in a good way). I just- I don't know why but she makes me feel those weird things I can't explain! I feel those weird urges to hold her hand and I have no idea what it is. We're pretty good friends, so at least I would trust her enough to ask, but I don't know how to word it. I'm pretty frustrated because of it. I just wanna ask someone but I'm afraid I'll get called weird or something. Ugh, what do I do? I just

Microphone suddenly heard something rustle. She stopped writing to listen. She looked at a bush where the sound came from. Suddenly, Taco's face peaked out of the bush. Microphone smiled. Taco emerged from out of the bush and smiled back.

"Hello Mic, long time no see." She said happily.

"Oh, hi Taco." Mic replied.

"How have you been?" Taco sat down on the ground, in front of Mic.

She pulled a cup of tea out of her shell (how does she carry those around?) and took a sip.

"Oh, it's been great, I just..." Mic trailed off.

Taco raised a brow out of curiosity.

"You just... what?"

Mic sighed. She decided to tell Taco.

"I've become friends with Lightbulb and ever since we shared a room and I got to know her better I've been feeling... weird... in a good way."

"Oh, yeah, you share rooms now. I once saw you guys watch a movie together when I was looking through the windows of the hotel with my new binoculars!" Taco pulled out the binoculars (which she probably stole) out of her shell.

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