Some headcanons

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Yeah here's some headcanons babeyyy!

-Lightbulb and Mic are both emotional mfs, change my mind. They both got some mental illness.

-They cuddle a lot. Especially when one of them is not feeling well.

-Lightbulb shows the most affection and teases Mic a lot while Mic just gives the occasional kiss or hand squeeze.

-Microphone listens to AC/DC, it's her favorite band. She also listens to other kinds of music, though. She loves any kind of music. Lightbulb's favorite music artist is Chevy. Lightbulb loves any kind of music as well. There's one genre they both hate, though, and that is HipHop. Specifically the songs where the n-word gets said every 10 seconds.

-They sing karaoke a lot together, though Lightbulb always makes it chaotic and full of crack, making Microphone laugh. There are some instances where she also takes it seriously, though.

-Mic always cooks. Lightbulb may eat a lot of things but she can NOT a cook, so Microphone does it. If Mic is too tired to cook, she and Lightbulb will just order food.

-Their house has a room full of music instruments, which belong to Microphone. In that room, the two usually sing karaoke, as the room has a big TV screen where you can play karaoke songs.

-Lightbulb loves receiving piggyback rides. Microphone likes giving per piggyback rides, but doesn't do it too often, because her back is shitty.

-Lightbulb ugly cries at emotional movies. Microphone doesn't mind, though, she just cries together with Lightbulb while they're embracing each other.

-Lightbulb has ADHD, Microphone has autism. The two help each other out and calm each other down when one of them is hyper or sensory overloaded.

-Lightbulb is has a ukelele. She can already play it quite well. Since Microphone plays the guitar, she sometimes helps Lightbulb with the ukelele. Lightbulb' ukelele is also in the instrument room and is the only instrument that belongs to her.

 -When a microphone is overstimulated or stimulated all of a sudden (by loud sounds, for example), she'll start sparking with electricity. When she's sensory overloaded and gets touched, she'll spark too, but less intensely. When it happens, it can take a lot out of her and agitate her too if it's any negative kind of stimulation. When it's any positive kind of stimulation (like when she's really really happy) it'll leave her blissful. No one knows why it happens to her. Lightbulb has the same thing, but it happens more when she's happy than when she's sensory overloaded. She can also do it on command. For her, the reason is very clear. When Lightbulb is happy, her light gets brighter and brighter, and to prevent her from shining herself to death, she starts sparking. For her, it takes quite a lot out of her. She does feel blissful after it though.

-Microphone has a tail, which she can move. It also shows how she's feeling. Her tail wags loosely when she's happy, it wags stiffly when she's nervous or scared, it waves around wildly, creating this sound that's similar to a whip thanks to it cutting through the air, when she's angry, it hangs low/drags over the ground  when she's sad or guilty, so yeah, it can show her emotions. Usually Mic walks with her tail upright, but slightly curled backwards. I could go on and on about her tail but I don't wanna elaborate too much. Her tail is also sensitive, so she'd rather have no one touch it. (DON'T TOUCH MY TAIL GRRRGRGRGRRRR /silly)

Okay that's all the headcanons. Hope y'all enjoyed! I might update this page when I think of more/want to change some headcanons. Stay tuned for more!

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