Met her at a disco bar

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They're humans. Enjoy!

Microphone had been going through some shit lately. She had broken up with her now ex girlfriend Taco, things had been stressful for her, yeah, she was just not doing so well. She would ask Soap to come over, but Soap was working on her own issues at the moment, so that wasn't an option either.

Knife, her half brother, had noticed how she was not feeling well, since she seemed to not be online as much and not respond as enthusiastically to his texts as before, so one day, he had decided to come over to her to see if she needed any support.

Microphone was just chilling on the couch, bored and kind of depressed. She then heard the doorbell.

"What the...?" Microphone mumbled as she got up.

She walked to the door, not really feeling like it but also feeling like it could be one of the many things she ordered on Memazon from her spare money. She always kept some money apart for fun purchases, and for the last two weeks, she had ordered some random stuff because she didn't know what else she could do. She had been working from home since a few months prior, so she could just scroll and order random stuff from Memazon if she wanted to right after she was done.

Microphone opened the door, only to see Knife. She was first a little disappointed for a split second, but then realized she was actually really happy to see Knife.

"Knife! I haven't seen you in a while!" She said, hugging him. "What are you doing here?" She then asked, not complaining, but very surprised to see him.

Usually they'd just make a time and date to hang out, but now Knife just came to see her? That's new. 

"Well, I came here to check on you. You don't really respond so much to my texts so I felt like something was up." Knife replied.

"Wait, what?" Mic was surprised Knife could figure that out just from the way she texted. 

"I know how you act when you're happy," Knife said, "you always send many texts or just excited texts in caps lock. But now your texts are short and a bit... sad." 

"Oh." Microphone looked down.

"So do you wanna tell me what's up?" Knife asked.

Microphone hesitated but then nodded. Maybe it was better if she let her feelings out.

"Come in." She told Knife.

Knife nodded and followed Mic to the living room, where they both sat down on the couch. 

"So, what's up?" Knife asked.

"Well, life has just been... pretty harsh lately," Microphone replied, "I've been stressed out pretty much lately and I also broke up with Taco because I found out some shit about her-"

"Wait, sorry for interrupting, but hold up, Taco? You dated her?" Knife asked, dumbfounded bu this information.

Microphone sighed.

"Yeah, I thought I'd give her a chance, but she blew it. So I broke up with her. And now she's been texting me about how she misses me and stuff. I blocked her, but she just continued on my other socials." 

"Damn, I'm... sorry to hear that." Knife said, "Y'know, if I were you, I'd forget about her. She's trash. Pickle used to be friends with her. She did some shit to him too. Ever since he's dating me he's been feeling better though. Yeah, what I'm saying is: just don't do shit with her anymore. Burn all her memories, find new love, if you're ready. Just don't talk to her anymore. No one needs her pity." 

"Well, I really want to forget her, but I... I kinda have trouble letting go. I don't know why. She gave me a sort of comfort but also excitement. It felt so wrong but so right. And now I can't let her go. Also, I don't really want to go out and talk to people right now." Microphone explained.

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