Taking care of you

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Let's start with a lovely hurt/comfort fic :3 They're humans. Enjoy!!

Lightbulb had been bottling up her emotions all week. The week had been rough, but she had told everyone she was fine. Work was tough, didn't matter, she was fine.

But in reality, she wasn't. She had been feeling down and just wanted to cry, to be held, to be comforted. The problem was that she didn't know how to say it. She was also kind of scared she'd get rejected if she tried to seek for comfort. She always had that when she was younger. When she tried to show her parents she wasn't fine, they'd just wave it off, telling her to suck it up, or just completely ignore her and not even acknowledge her. 

It was Friday, the last day of work for the week. Lightbulb was finally done. She walked out, only to realize it was going to rain soon. She hadn't brought an umbrella. Great. She decided to walk home anyway.

While Lightbulb was walking, she felt rain droplets fall on her. She shrugged it off at first, hoping it wouldn't get worse before she got home. But it did get worse. The rain started falling harder and faster from the sky. It got so bad pools of rain water started forming on the ground. 

Lightbulb came across a road and was ready to cross the road when a car drove, going exactly over a pool of water, splashing it over Lightbulb, soaking her. 

"Hey, watch out!" Lightbulb yelled.

Of course the driver couldn't hear her. Oh well. Lightbulb crossed the road. She decided to run the last part to her and her girlfriend Microphone's house. That way she would be home at least a little faster. But when she ran, she tripped over something. She yelped as she fell. She ended up scraping her knee and thereby also fucking up her new pants. She whimpered as she got up, trying to ignore the burning pain on her knee, and walked home. 

She finally came home and opened the front door. The warmth of the inside of the house made her feel a little more content. Though she was still not happy. She hung her coat as she shivered, realizing how cold she was. Lightbulb opened the door that separated the hallway and the living room, only to be greeted by Mic walking up to her happily.

"Lightbulb! How was wo-" Mic grew concerned as soon as she saw how Lightbulb looked: soaking wet from the rain, her pants torn, blood coming from her knee, "What happened to you?! Are you okay?"

Lightbulb was silent. Then, she finally began to cry, after holding everything in for a week. She didn't know why, but Microphone being so concerned for her, just because she was a little soaked and had a mild injury, broke something in her. Microphone immediately hugged her close, ignoring the fact her clothes would get wet. Lightbulb choked out sobs and tears.

"I-I'm sorry," she cried, "I don't kn- know why I'm crying!"

"Oh Lightbulb," Mic said, "you don't have to apologize... Everyone cries sometimes. What happened that upset you so much?" 

Lightbulb sobbed for a few moments before she started to talk.

"M-my whole week has- has been bad! Work was shitty, my coworkers were being shifty and today the weather was shitty! The reason why I'm wet is because- because a car drove over some rain water and splashed me. The reason why my knee is scraped is because I tripped while running the last part home." Lightbulb explained.

Microphone listened to her rambling, just rubbing her back comfortingly. She then remembered Lightbulb was still injured. She let go.

"Lightbulb, I'm really sorry that happened to you, and I really want to make you feel better by hugging it out, but you're injured. We'll take care of that first, okay?" She said.

Lightbulb looked down, remembering it too.

"Oh, yeah, fuck."

"Go sit down on the couch while I grab the first aid kit." Mic said softly.

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