Wait, this isn't lemonade!

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They're objects again. Enjoy!

There was a party. Everyone was enjoying it. They were all dancing, chilling or drinking or snacking. OJ had made sure no alcohol was present, since he remembered what some people did last time they were drunk. Yin-Yang (and some others) trashed the hotel and Paintbrush managed to have a fist fight with Knife while they were both drunk. 

So you probably understand why he didn't add alcohol to the party. 

Lightbulb was quite bored. She wanted to get a cup of lemonade but then noticed there wasn't much lemonade left. She went up to OJ who was standing in a corner.

"Hey, OJ, KoolAid man, glass bro, the lemonade is good as gone. Can I get some more?" She asked him.

OJ nodded.

"Sure, go get some from the room where we keep the beverages."

Lightbulb nodded. She went to the small room and went to search for lemonade. She then found a particular bottle. The bottle read Strawberry Magic in a fancy cursive font. 

"Ooh," Lightbulb said out loud, "this is probably called Strawberry Manic cause it tastes magically sweet!" 

She decided to taste some. She opened the bottle and took a sip. It tasted sweet, really sweet, and tingled in her mouth and throat.

"Oh- dang this tastes sweet. He won't mind me drinking some more right?" She thought of it for a moment. "Nah." She then decided before chugging the bottle.

When the bottle was almost empty, Lightbulb started feeling weird. She felt a bit dizzy and drowsy. She tried to walk, but it didn't go that well. She giggled to herself as she quickly grabbed onto one of the shelves with beverages to hold herself up.

"Whoops, heheh," she slurred, "I... I think I might- *hic* have a problem." 

She carefully tried to walk again.

"Wow uhh, how do I- walk again?"

She eventually stood firmly enough. She wanted to walk out when she realized two things. 1, she realized she might be kinda fucking drunk and 2, she remembered the "no alcohol at the party" rule. 

"Oh no, oh no oh no! OJ will be so mad!" She said, panicking a bit, but then tried to calm herself down. "Just keep it casual." 

She stumbled out. Maybe she could find Microphone and spend some time with her. And ask her how walking works again. Probably. Her vision was kind of blurry as she tried to manage herself through the party. She eventually saw Microphone standing there. Microphone looked so hot today, how didn't she notice yet?

She walked up to Mic, in full confidence. She leaned against the wall, next to Mic.

"Heya Mic, you're lookin'- you're lookin' flamin' hot todayhh." She slurred as she drunkenly kept herself upright and looked at Mic. "I wanna kiss your whole face and love ya til the end of mah life, baby."

She wrapped an arm around Mic clumsily.

"Wanna dance?"

Microphone had already noticed Lightbulb was acting pretty weird, even for herself. She acted rather... drunk. 

"Lightbulb," she said.

"Yeah, baby?" 

"Are you drunk?"

"What? Nooooo, I just drank some magic strawberry lemonade. It was very sweet, but not as sweet as you..."

Lightbulb leaned against Microphone, taking her in a loose yet loving hug.

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