Bot sleeps over at their aunties' house

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Just a silly lil thing where Mic and Lightbulb take care of Bot who sleeps over at their house ^^ They're objects btw and this is a sort of AU where they just live in a city and II didn't happen. Enjoy! Also I again came up with this at night like most ideas on here lmaooo.

Microphone and Lightbulb were chilling in their living room on the couch. It was Friday and the day was going calmly and nice. Lightbulb was scrolling on her phone while Mic was on her PC, watching YouTube. Lightbulb's phone then rang. Lightbulb picked up.

"Hey 'Tube!" She said happily.

Microphone smiled. Lightbulb always got so happy when her friends called her. The bulb always beamed up, shining a little brighter, when a friend called.

"Oh, cool!! Are they sleeping here too?" She said after a few seconds.

Microphone wanted to turn her gain on to hear the other end of the conversation, but decided against it. Being nosy is quite rude, and she wasn't the kind of person to do that. 

"Omga, cool! Wait, do they know we're dating yet?"

Microphone got even more curious now. Who was Lightbulb talking about? 

"Oh, alright, then I'll just tell them when they're here. When will they be there?"

Microphone waited for Lightbulb to stop calling. Lightbulb would most likely tell her what was going on. She sighed happily. Lightbulb always looked so cute when she was happy.

"Ah, okay, we'll see them then. Bye Tuber!"

The call then ended. Microphone was about to ask what that call was about when Lightbulb started talking.

"Micsy, Bot is coming over this weekend! They're sleeping here too!" She said enthusiastically. 

"Ooh, cool!" Mic said, feeling happy. 

She knew Bot, she had seen them before. Test Tube had built them with Fan together, since they really wanted a child, but didn't want to make one organically since that would be quite inconvenient, knowing Test Tube didn't want anything to happen to her in the lab while she was pregnant. So therefore she and Fan built a child. They built a replica of Bow, because they had heard of her and her death and loved/felt bad for her. So with Fan's knowledge of Bow and with Test Tube's knowledge of science and coding they built them. Mic also knew Bot didn't want to be associated with Bow so they changed their name to Bot. Last time Mic had seen Bot, they looked like Bow; pink, with triangles on the sides. They could extend their legs too, which was super cool. They also sounded different from Bow, their voice sounding more soft and high pitched.

She really wanted to see Bot again. Last time she saw them she and Lightbulb were only friends and not dating yet. Bot and Mic liked each other quite well. Bot even joked that Lightbulb and Mic would make a great couple, making Mic and Lightbulb blush.

"When are they coming?" Mic asked.

"At 6 pm." Lightbulb replied.

Mic smiled. 

"Ah okay, let's make the bed in the guest room then."

Lightbulb nodded. And so they went to work. They made the bed and prepared the house a bit, cleaning up the mess they left but didn't bother to clean yet. Microphone did the dishes, Lightbulb activated the vacuum roomba. 

Eventually, everything in the house was done.

"Great work Micster!" Lightbulb said.

Microphone smiled.

"You too Lighty!"

They gave each other a high five and then looked at each other, before starting to giggle uncontrollably. 

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