Snow day

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They're humans! Also this is fluff again eheehehehehe- oh this is pre-relationship and yeah you'll see how it goes. Also this is post canon so everyone is there, III crew included. Taco is also there cuz this is an AU where she made up with everyone. Enjoy!

It was morning. Lightbulb woke up. She looked at the window. It was snowing. Lightbulb got excited, knowing it would be a very fun day. She looked over at her roommate and friend Microphone, who was laying in the bed besides hers.

"Mic, wake up!" She said excitedly.

Mic groaned. Lightbulb got on Mic's bed and gently shook her.

"Micster, wake upppp, it's a snow day!"

Mic's eyes fluttered open.

"Lighty... Ugh, what time is it?" Mic asked, turning to Lightbulb.

"It's time to get up, ya silly!" Lightbulb replied, before looking at the alarm clock, "Oh and on the clock it's like... 8:23." 

Mic sat up. She looked outside. It was indeed snowing. A few people were already outside, playing. Those people were Goo, Bot, Yin-Yang, the Cherries and Cheesy. Microphone couldn't help but smile. 

"Well, let's dress up then." She said.

"Now we're talkin'." Lightbulb said, making Mic giggle.

The two changed and went to eat breakfast before going outside. In the meantime, more people had come out. Everyone seemed happy, except Silver Spoon, who was complaining about the cold. Candle had dragged him out. 

"Mic, let's build a snowman!" Lightbulb said. 

Mic nodded excitedly. Seeing Lightbulb so excited made her feel excited too. Lightbulb started rolling a snowball. Soap approached Mic.

"Hey Mic," she said, "you really built a good friendship with her." She said, pointing at the bright girl.

"Heh, yeah. She makes me feel a certain way, y'know." Mic replied, "Her happiness is so contagious. Like, how can you not be happy when you're with her? She's so silly and I like that, to be honest."

"Hey Painty!" Lightbulb could be heard from the distance. "Look, I'm building a snowman, Painty!"

Microphone felt her cheeks heat up and her body feel tingly. Soap noticed and smirked a bit.

"Ooh, I think somebody has a crush!" She said.

Microphone blushed more.

"Wh- no! She's just a friend." 

"Aww, are you sure?" Soap asked.

Microphone was about to deny again but then decided against it. She trusted Soap. 

"Ugh, fine, maybe I do have a thing for her. I just don't know how to confess, okay?"

Soap nodded understandingly.

"I get that. But don't worry, I'm sure she likes you back. Why else does she want to spend time with you?"

Mic thought of that. She did notice how close Lightbulb wanted to be to her. She always thought it was because Lightbulb was clingy, but now she realized it might be more than that. She was about to agree with Soap when Lightbulb called her.

"Micster! Uuhhrrghhh, a little help please!" 

"Oh, I gotta go. Thanks, Soap!" Mic thanked her friend before making her way over to Lightbulb, who was trying to push a giant snowball.

She quickly helped pushing, until Lightbulb stopped.

"This is a good place. Mind rolling the second one? I'm spent!" Lightbulb said, huffing and sitting down.

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