Late night talks by the soda machine

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They're objects. Enjoy! Also haha hurt/comfort go brrrrr

Microphone was in her hotel room. She was quite bored. It was night, but she couldn't sleep. She didn't know exactly why. She eventually decided to go take a walk. Maybe it would calm her mind.

And so she went. She walked outside the hotel. It was nice and fresh. Mic breathed in the fresh air and started walking. She noticed she was thirsty, so she went to the DrFizz machine to grab a drink. She didn't know what drink she would pick, but she'd decide that later.

When Mic arrived at the machine, she saw Lightbulb sitting there. The once bright bulb was sitting there sadly, having her knees pulled up and hugging them. In one hand she was holding a can of DrFizz, taking a small sip now and then. Microphone felt bad for her. She didn't know Lightbulb was feeling so down. She sat down next to Lightbulb.

"Hey, are you okay?" She asked.

Lightbulb looked up at Microphone. 

"Yeah, I'm fine." She replied.

"You don't look fine." Mic said, growing concerned. 

Lightbulb looked down. A small tear ran down from her cheek.

"I miss them..." she whispered. 

"...Them? You miss your friends?" Mic asked.

Lightbulb took a sip of her DrFizz. 

"I feel like they forgot about me. They haven't called or texted me. I feel like... like they're having more fun without me..."

More tears fell from her eyes. Microphone hesitated a bit before wrapping her arms around Lightbulb. That's when Lightbulb broke down into somewhat loud, uncontrollable sobs. Her whole body was shaking. Microphone figured Lightbulb had held it in for a long time. She rubbed Lightbulb's back comfortingly. Lightbulb choked out more sobs, clinging onto Microphone tightly. Microphone started humming a soft melody. Her parents always did this to calm her down. They'd sing or hum a soft song until she felt calm. Lightbulb fell silent to listen to the humming. She recognized the melody, it was the melody of leaving on a jet plane. She couldn't help but calm down a bit, as Mic's soft humming was quite soothing. 

For the ones who don't know, this song (again, a cover)

Fixed the link :)

Lightbulb eventually stopped crying, just listening to Mic's hums.

"Your voice is pretty." She said in all honesty.

"Oh- heh- thanks!" Mic was a bit caught off guard by the compliment. 

"No probs." Lightbulb smiled.

"Are you feeling better?" Mic asked.

Lightbulb nodded.

"Yeah, thanks... thanks for checking up on me."

Microphone smiled.

"No problem, I felt bad that you felt so sad and... yeah."

She suddenly remembered why she was here in the first place.

"Hold on, I'm gonna grab a DrFizz." She said, getting up a bit, but Lightbulb grabbed her hand to stop her.

"Oh, no need, I have one left which I was gonna drink after this one. You can have it." She said, handing Mic the DrFizz can.

Microphone smiled and grabbed the can, sitting down. She felt her face heat up for some reason. Maybe it was because she didn't get touched so much in her life (except if you count the occasional hug from Soap) and that little gesture already made her melt. She suddenly realized she hadn't let go of Lightbulb's hand when she sat down. She pulled her hand away awkwardly.

"Heh, sorry!" She said.

"Hey, it's okay! Your hand is soft." Lightbulb grabbed Mic's hand again.

Why was Mic blushing so much? She tried to control her breathing. She looked over, only to see Lightbulb smile softly at her. Her smile was sincere.

"Thank you. I haven't felt this happy in months."  She said.

"You're welcome." Microphone replied.

They remained silent for a while.

"So uhh... what now?" Mic then asked.

"I dunno, wanna talk about stuff?" Lightbulb suggested.

Microphone nodded. The two started talking about stuff immediately. Apparently they both had a passion for music, with Mic liking metal more while Lightbulb liked pop and dance music more. Lightbulb told Mic she was learning to play the ukulele. Microphone told Lightbulb she played guitar, piano and also sang. Lightbulb perked up at that, suddenly getting an idea.

"Can you sing a bit for me?" She asked.

Mic thought. She then nodded.

"What song do you want me to sing?" She asked.

"Uh, that song you were humming earlier." Lightbulb reapplied.

"Leaving on a jet plane? Oh, sure." Mic said. She then started singing. 

Eventually, they were both singing the chorus.

"So kiss me and smile for me, tell me that you'll wait for me..." Mic sang.

"Hold me like you'll never let me go..." the two then sang in unison.

"Cuz I'm leaving on a jet plane, don't know when I'll be back again..." Lightbulb sang.

"Oh babe, I hate to go..." they sang together again.

"Your voice is pretty good." Mic complimented Lightbulb.

Lightbulb giggled and blushed a bit.

"Heheh, thank you!"

Mic blushed at Lightbulb's blush. What was happening? Was she already falling in love with this bright girl? She was a bit mad at herself for it, but on the other hand didn't mind. Lightbulb was so nice. She didn't deserve to feel these negative feelings, she deserved more friends, she deserved the world. Oh god. 

Microphone decided to hug Lightbulb again. She couldn't help it. Lightbulb was so nice to her. And so silly! Lightbulb giggled and hugged Mic back again. The two kept cuddling like this. It wasn't like they were strangers, so it wasn't weird. 

Eventually, they fell asleep in each other's arms. They'd finish their drinks later.

Lmao I might make a part 2 to this later but idk what to do with this rn. 

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