The wolf within me

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Call me cringe all you want but I wanted to make a werewolf thing. So yeah this'll feature werewolf stuff. Well, they're objects sooo yeah. Enjoy! See this as a Halloween special because I thought of it coincidentally while it's Spooky Month.

Microphone and Lightbulb had a wonderful relationship. It was them against the world and even when they went down, they always managed to come up again. They loved each other til the very end and they would always be there for each other. They had been dating for two years now. It was beautiful in every way.

But even though they had this amazing relationship, Lightbulb couldn't help but notice that Microphone sometimes acted... strange, especially when it was full moon. At day she would act more... primal - Lightbulb didn't know how else to describe it, but Mic would act more like a puppy while still keeping her humanoid mind, like she'd sometimes lick Lightbulb's face and bulb to show affection as well as getting more affectionate - and at night she'd disappear. Lightbulb thought Mic's "puppy side", as she would call it, was pretty silly and adorable, but she would often worry when Mic disappeared. She had tried asking Mic about it, but Microphone would often avoid the question or say something like "Zilch, don't worry about it". This only worried Lightbulb more, because first of all, what was "zilch" supposed to mean? And second of all, usually Mic was more open about problems. At least with her.

So that's why Lightbulb decided that, one night, she would follow Microphone, or at least search for her, to ask what was wrong and why she always disappeared on full moon nights. She had her plan in her head, sorted well enough to remember. At night she'd go out. She could give off light anyway so it wasn't like she would get lost. Hopefully.

That evening, Lightbulb and Mic were cuddling. Mic was softly nuzzling and licking Lightbulb's face and bulb. Lightbulb cuddled closer to Mic. It was warm and nice. Mic was protectively holding Lightbulb. That was also something she did more when her "puppy side" came out; she'd hold Lightbulb way more protectively than normal. It felt safe and nice. Eventually, Lightbulb felt herself doze off in the warmth of their hug.

That night, she woke up. She was alone. Microphone had disappeared. It was time to go with the plan she thought of. She got out of bed and walked out of her room, through the halls of the hotel. Her light was bright enough for her to see where she was going. She went outside, looking around for Microphone. She would call out to her, but she didn't want to wake anyone up. So instead she searched silently.

After a while she still didn't find Microphone. She had looked everywhere, but still, no results. There was one place she hadn't looked, though: the forest. She wasn't happy with this. As much as she could provide herself with light, she was still a little scared of this place. She knew she could get lost, or eaten, or worse, so she wasn't a big fan of this. But she reminded herself that she would do this for her girlfriend. To make sure she's safe. To make sure she's okay.

With newfound courage, she finally entered the forest. It was dark, but her light at least provided a sense of safety. Wild animals wouldn't eat her right? They'd run away from light, right? She hoped so. She looked around, searching for Microphone. This time she did call out.

"Mic? Micsy? Where are you?" She called. "Micsy!"

No response. Only birds flying up as they got startled by Lightbulb's yelling. An owl hoo'ed. As cute as that was, Lightbulb wasn't searching for an owl, she was searching for her beloved Microphone.

The forest was pretty scary but also not as ugly as Lightbulb thought it would be in the dark. Her light gave it a comforting warm glow too. It was really eerie, but in the most beautiful way. Noises of animals like crickets and owls could be heard everywhere. If Lightbulb wasn't so desperate to find her beloved music freak girlfriend, she would've stood still to admire all of this. But she kept on walking instead, occasionally calling out, with no response each time.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 31, 2023 ⏰

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