But you like her better, wish I were Heather

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YAHOO I'M BACK! And yep the title is from the song Heather cuz I don't wanna think of an actual title. Also this is FULL-ON angst. And I mean the heartbreak kind. So yeah. Enjoy(?) They're objects. Btw I'm not good with writing sad scenes like this that well soooooooooo bear with me guys :') ALSO SORRY IF LIGHTBULB IS OOC IN THIS SOBBING LOUDLY-

Microphone had been spending more time with Soap lately. Lightbulb had noticed this and couldn't help but... feel jealous. She didn't know why exactly, but she felt it. And it made her feel sour. She knew Mic wasn't going to leave her and that she had friends too. Hell, Lightbulb herself hung around with Paintbrush, Test Tube and Fan too sometimes, without Microphone, so Mic could also be without her right? It's only fair.

Today, Lightbulb hoped Mic would be able to hang out with her. She was sitting in her and Mic's shared hotel room When Mic walked in.

"Hey Micsy, wanna walk Baxter with me?" She asked happily.

Microphone looked at her and sighed a bit.

"I was actually gonna hang out with Soap." She said.

Lightbulb's look saddened.

"You always hang out with her!" She said, laying down on her back and letting her head hang off the bed a bit.

"Well, I just want to keep contact with her. She misses me too, y'know. I'll be back, Lighty. Then we can spend some time together." She smiled at Lightbulb.

Lightbulb sighed. Mic always said this, but it wasn't always true. She wanted to get mad at Mic, but all she did was close her eyes in disappointment.


Microphone smiled softly and left. Lightbulb sat up and looked down. She felt mixed feelings she couldn't shake off. She felt sad, anxious, even angry. Angry at Mic for hanging out more with Soap, at Soap for stealing Mic from her, and at herself for making these assumptions because hell, were they even true? She flopped down on her back, feeling guilty for being this way. Man, she really was a mess. No wonder Mic hung out with Soap more. Soap at least had her shit together and had a way better maturity level. Did Mic even want to hang with Lightbulb anymore? Did she even care? Did...

Did Mic even love her...?

She felt her eyes getting teary at the thought of Mic leaving her for Soap, but she also felt like Mic deserved better. What were those feelings? Why did she feel them while she knew Mic wouldn't do that to her? Separation anxiety sucked, still sucks and will always suck. She hated herself for having it too. She blinked the tears away and sat up. She didn't want to cry like a baby. She just decided to see if Paintbrush, Fan or Test Tube wanted to hang out.

On her way to the lobby, she walked past Soap's room. Laughs from Mic and Soap could be heard. They sounded like they were having fun... Mic sounded so happy... When Mic was alone with Lightbulb it'd either be romantic or Mic having to comfort her. Or sometimes silly stuff. But mostly the first two. Mic always had to deal with Lightbulb's shit. Was this why she went to hang with Soap more? To be free from her?

She felt herself getting teary angain and decided to quickly walk away to hang out with her friends instead. 

Later, it turned out that none of her friends were free. Fan was at the lab with Test Tube and Paintbrush was giving a painting class. Lightbulb just decided to join the class. She got greeted by Paintbrush and the lesson began. It was about drawing something with a specific color palette. It was quite fun. It distracted Lightbulb a bit from her thoughts. 

After the class, Lightbulb went back to her room, feeling content with the painting she made. She'd show Mic the painting when Mic was back from hanging around with Soap. 

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