The big question

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They're objects lmao. Enjoy! Also this'll be fluff yayayayyayay!

Microphone was sitting in her and Lightbulb's hotel room, thinking to herself. She had her face resting in one hand and her other hand was holding a pen, writing down in her diary (she had bought a new one a few months ago), which was resting on her lap. The thing she was thinking of had been bugging her for a while. It was about Lightbulb. She and Lightbulb had been dating for two years now and she wanted to ask Lightbulb a big question.

The question was if Lightbulb wanted to marry her.

Mic had bought an engagement ring. She was fully ready for it, but she was also very nervous. What if Lightbulb would say no? What if Lightbulb wasn't ready? What if it ended up badly?

"No, that won't happen," Mic said to herself, writing it down in her diary as she spoke, "we've been doing great so far."

She perked up at the sound of knocking at her door.

"Come in!" She called after putting her diary away.

The door opened, revealing Soap.

"Hey Microphone, are you ok?" She asked, "You haven't been yourself today. What's on your mind?"

Mic sighed. Should she tell Soap? She decided she should.

"Yeah, I'm fine, it's just... I have this thing on my mind. It's something I have wanted to ask Lightbulb for a long time."

Soap raised a brow.

"What's the thing you want to ask her?" She asked.

Mic reached to her nightstand and opened a little drawer. She pulled a little box out of the drawer and opened it to Soap, showing her the ring.

"I want to marry her." She told Soap.

Soap brought her hands to her mouth, squealing softly.

"Oh my god, that's amazing!" She exclaimed.

"Yeah, I know, but I'm just nervous for it, ok? I want to ask her so bad but I don't know how... I mean, what if she says no?"

Soap smiled.

"Microphone, it's Lightbulb, I'm sure she won't say no. She loves you! I'm sure it'll be fine."

Mic smiled too.

"Yeah, you're probably right. But I still don't know when to ask her. I just can't find the right time, y'know..." she said as her smile faded again.

"Hmm, maybe take her on a date to a place she likes and ask her there?" Soap suggested.

Microphone thought. It did seem like a good idea...

"Yeah! You're right! I should take her on a date! Oh Soap, thank you so much..." Mic hugged Soap happily.

Soap hugged back.

"I'm glad I could help."

The next day, Microphone woke up with a perfect plan. She had spent her time planning the date and proposal in her head. She looked at the bright gal next to her. Lightbulb was still asleep. Boy did she look adorable when she was asleep. She scooted closer to the bulb and hugged her. Lightbulb smiled in her sleep.

Eventually, Lightbulb also woke up. Her eyes fluttered open. She yawned and smiled when she realized she was in her girlfriend's arms. She turned to Mic.

"Hey loud stuff." she said with a playful smile.

"Heh, good morning, silly, how have you slept?" Mic replied with a soft chuckle.

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