Sick day

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I'm feeling quite sick and I'm home sick and tired so let's go! (I'm feeling better now than this morning though, and when this comes out I might even be back at school already) They're objects btw. Also I am NOT writing Tissues' accent. Hell nah. Also this will start with a lil plot on how the sickness started so yeah lol. Enjoy!


There was a party at Hotel OJ. Everyone was just vibing with each other. You may ask why they were having a party. Well, they were having a party because it was OJ's birthday. Everyone was there. All the people that ever competed in II (III included), MePhone4, MePad and even Toilet! It was a huge party, that's for sure. 

Microphone was just chilling somewhere with Lightbulb. The two had started dating recently and were inseparable. The two were just talking amongst each other when Tissues came by, having Yin-Yang lean on him.

"Hi guys." Tissues said to Lightbulb and Mic.

"Hi sick and black 'n white bros." Lightbulb replied.

"Hey guys, how's it go- what happened to them?" Mic pointed at Yin-Yang. 

"Oh, apparently someone spiked their drink as a joke and now-" Tissues coughed a few times before continuing, "-now they're drunk so I'm bringing them to their room." 

"How much alcohol did they consume?" Microphone asked, legitimately concerned.

"I don't know," Tissues said, sniffling afterwards.

"We uhhnmnmmm," Yin started, slurring his words, "we're so in trouble."

"Nahh we're fineeee," Yang replied, "and we can walk for ourselves." 

Yang took control and let go of Tissues. The two tried to get control over their body but face planted into the floor.

"Fuck you." Yin said, muffled.

"No you." Yang replied back.

Tissues looked over to Yin-Yang.

"Welp, I better get goi- haaahhhhh... aaahhhhh.... ACHOO!" Tissues sneezed loudly. A whole load of snot came out of his nose, landing onto Microphone. 

Mic let out a disgusted noise. Tissues looked at her apologetically. 

"I'm sorry, it's my Condishawn." He said. He picked Yin-Yang up. "Welp, I better get going now. Bye guys."

"Bye Tissue man!" Lightbulb said.

Mic just grumbled in irritation. A few seconds later, Soap appeared with a cloth and started cleaning the snot off of Microphone. When she was done, she looked at Mic with concern and worry.

"Mic, you're going to die." She said. 

"Hey, don't worry, its not like I'm going to-"

"Remember what happened to MePhone?" Soap asked, shaking Mic.

"Hey, Soapster, I'm sure she'll be grand! And if she gets sick I'll be there." Lightbulb chimed in.

"I won't get sick," Mic said, "at least, I hope so." 

"I hope so too." Soap said.

"Yeah me too- Omga, cupcakes!" Lightbulb ran to a table with cupcakes. 

The party continued going for quite long. No one had any worries.


Fast forward to a few days later. Microphone woke up with her head aching and a runny nose. She sat up, groaning. She sniffled and coughed. 

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