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As we were walking down the street, Grover began explaining the situation. Quite frankly he said a lot of things but none of it really went through to my head.

I was lost in thought when a pair of fingers snapped in front of my face making me stop abruptly.

"Eleanor Grace, were you even listening to a word I've been saying now for the past half an hour??" Dramatic much?

I swear to the Gods, Grover can be really sassy when he needs to be...I sighed & pinched the bridge of my nose.

"Yeah Grover, I'm sorry I just spaced out...." he looked at me sympathetically.

"Are you still thinking about them?" I felt tears well up at the thought.

I nodded my head. Grover wordlessly wrapped his arms around me & we silently stood there as I cried into his shoulder.

That's the beauty of our friendship, we didn't need words to know what the other was thinking, we just understood each other.

I was thinking family. My mom was a T.V scarlett, she would act for ads & T.V shows. 'Was' because she's dead. She got addicted to drinking & died in a car crash three years ago.

My older sister Thalia Grace. She died four years ago. She & two of her friends Luke & Annabeth were headed to camp.

They were about to be overrun by monsters but Thalia decided to stay back to defend the others.

Lastly my twin brother Jason Grace, we were inseparable & knew each other like the back of our hand.

He went missing when we were just four years old. I've never seen him since...but a part of me knows he's still alive somewhere out there...

When we pulled away, Grover began acting like a whiny baby goat.

"Well that's just great. You've ruined my favourite shirt." He complained.

"Shut up you crybaby." I joked.

"Says the one who soaked my shirt with her tears just five minutes ago." I rolled my eyes & glared at him, his eyes widened.

"Okay, okay fine. I'm sorry." He put up his hands in mock surrender.

I smiled satisfied with his reaction & walked on ahead. He jogged to catch up to me.

"Now you were supposed to be telling me about that demigod kid you were babysitting." I said & he gave me a look.

I punched his shoulder. "Oww! What's that for?"

"It's for the kind of ideas that are going through your head right now."

"That's harsh! But guilty as charged..." he said. I rolled my eyes in response.

"But he's so damn cute, I'll admit. He might even be your type." He said suggestively raising his eyebrows.

Cue another punch to his shoulder.

"Ow, ow, oww!" He yelped again.

One look at the expression on his face was enough to make me burst out laughing so hard, I fell onto the asphalt.

"Oh gods! You're such a drama queen. You should've seen the look on your face. It was absolutely priceless." I said.

"Yeah, yeah..laugh all you want." He said trying & failing to look mad at me, as I saw him fighting back a smile.

He really was my best friend, & I knew I didn't appreciate him enough for it.

When I finally recovered from my laughter episode we continued walking.

Daughter Of Lightning - Book 1(Percy Jackson x OC fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now