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(Ella's POV)

"So I’m stuck here," Percy said. "That’s it? For the rest of my life?"

"It depends," I said. "Some campers stay for summer. If you’re a child of Aphrodite or Demeter, you’re not a powerful force. The monsters ignore you, so you get by with few months of summer training & can live in the mortal world. For some, it’s dangerous to leave. We’re year-rounders, we attract monsters. They ignore us till we’re ten or so, then, the demigods come here, or get killed."

"So monsters can’t get in here?"

"Only if they're intentionally stocked in the woods or summoned by someone."

"Why would anybody summon a monster?"

"Practical fights or jokes. Anyway, the point is that the borders keep monsters out. From outside, mortals look in the valley & only see a farm."

"’re a year-rounder?" he asked me.

I nodded. From under the collar of my T-shirt I pulled a leather necklace with four clay beads of different colors.

"I've been here five years, every August, on the last day of summer, you get a bead for surviving another year."

"Why did you come so young?"

"I ran away from home...." I shrugged.

" could walk out right now?"

"It'd be suicide, Mr. D & Chiron won't give permission until the end of summer unless..."

"Unless?" He asked.

"You were granted a quest. But that hardly ever happens. The last time.…" I trailed off.

"Something's wrong in Olympus, something major. Last time I was there, everything seemed so normal." I mumbled.

"You’ve been to Olympus?"

"Some of us year-rounders-Luke, Annabeth Clarisse, me & a few others- took a field trip to Olympus during the winter solstice. That’s when the gods have their big annual council."

" did you get there?" he asked.

"The Long Island Railroad. You get off at Penn Station. Empire State Building, special elevator to the six hundredth floor. You're a New Yorker, right?" I asked. He nodded.

"Right after we visited," I continued, "the weather got weird, as if the gods had started fighting. And if it isn’t returned by the summer solstice, there will be trouble..."

"When you came, I hoped...I mean, Zeus can get along with almost anybody, except for Poseidon. Aside from that, I felt we could work together...if you knew something.." I said. He just shook his head.

"I need a quest," I muttered to myself. “I’m not too young. If they'd tell me about it…”

I smelled barbecue smoke & heard Percy's stomach growl. We laughed. I told him to go on. He promised to meet after the campfire.


After dinner, Mr. D got up with a huge sigh.

"Yes, I’d better say hello to you brats. Well, hello. Capture the flag is on Friday. Cabin five currently holds the laurels."

Cheers rose from the Ares table. "Not for long..." I muttered.

"Personally," Mr. D continued, "I couldn’t care less, but congratulations. And, we have a new camper, Peter Johnson." I look up confused. Chiron murmured something.

"Er, Percy Jackson," Mr. D corrected. "That’s right. Hurrah, & all that. Now run along to your silly campfire. Go on."

Everybody cheered & headed down toward the amphitheater.

As I was walking to a seat, Luke said, "Hey Ella! Sing us a song.." I froze. Luke never ever called me Ella but shrugged it off.

"Me?" I asked in disbelief.

"Yeah, I bet Percy wants to hear you too. Right Percy?" A series of ooo's emerged. Percy & I blushed.

"Fine, but on one condition..."

"What's that?" Connor asked.

"Luke can't have dessert for a month."

"Oooh! Nice one!" I heard someone say.

"Don't worry Luke, I can have your share of desserts for you." Connor said.

"Gee, thanks Connor." He said. I laugh & take a seat at the front with my guitar.

"Which song do you want me to sing?"

"Perfect?" Annie suggested, everyone nods.

"Okay.." I reply.

I let the soft notes of the guitar consume me completely as I began to sing.

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Take care my lovely readers.❤
Alice signing off.

Daughter Of Lightning - Book 1(Percy Jackson x OC fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now