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(Ella's POV)

"Nora!" Percy suddenly comes from the woods.

I flinched. "Jeez! Can't anyone g-" I was cut off by him crushing me in a hug.

Let me back up. I know you're wondering why I disappeared. Before you ask:no, I didn't die or get kidnapped. I'll explain what happened.


I felt a hand lace with mine which snaps me back to reality. I focus my gaze on Percy.

"You okay?" He asks worried.

"Yeah. Yeah, I'm fine." I forced a smile.

“Look, we know it’s Hades-”

That's when I felt a sharp pain go through my head. I winced, but luckily no one notices. I quietly slip away & head to my secret spot.

I know, I know you're thinking, 'Oh, why did you leave? Percy was gonna ask you to come with him on his quest'.

When Percy & Chiron said that Hades stole the bolt, I felt like something didn't quite add up. I had a different lead to follow up on.

I felt a tingling sensation in my head like I was thinking in the right direction & was about to see a vision, when Percy showed up.


"Woah! Percy, relax. Did something happen?"

He looked angry & relieved at the same time. "I was looking for you. I...I thought y-you were..." I held his face in my hands.

"Hey, hey. Look at me. I'm fine, okay."

He hugged me again. I could feel his heart racing faster than a sports car.

"Don't ever disappear like that, okay?"

"Holy Zeus! Was the Percy Jackson worried about me?" I ask grinning at him.

"S-shut up! Friends..w-worry about... each other all the time." He says stammering.

"Whatever you say, water boy." I say winking.

"Hey!" He protests. "But, why did you leave?"

"I just had a headache, that's all." I didn't want to lie to him but until I could find more information I couldn't worry him about it.

" just wanted to ask..." He trails off.

"What is it Perce?"

"Do you..want to come on the quest with me?"

"But you have Grover & Annabeth with you right? So..why do you need me?"

"'re really experienced at fighting & I could use your help to know where we-"

"Okay, I'll come with you."

"Have to go &-wait what? Just like that?"

"Of course. Look, you're going on a quest & my dad apparently hates you. So, the least I can do is come along so he doesn't kill you."

"Thanks, Nora. It means a lot." He smiled.

"Anytime, Perce."

"Well, I'll go pack....but, see you at noon."

"See ya later!"


In the afternoon, we said goodbye to the other campers, took one last look at the camp, then hiked up the hill. I touched the pine tree that was my sister, Thalia.

"I'll be back sis, don't worry." I mumbled.

Chiron was waiting for us in his wheelchair. Next to him stood Argus our camp security. He had eyes all over his body so he could never be surprised. Trust me I've tried it.

"This is Argus," Chiron said to Percy. "He'll drive you to the city, &, er, keep an eye out."

I heard footsteps behind us. Luke came running up the hill, carrying basketball shoes.

"Hey!" he panted. "Glad I caught you guys."

Annie blushed, she had a huge crush on him (Don't tell her I said that). Luke blushed as he saw me. I know, you're thinking: wow, a love triangle. But, I just like him as a brother.

Unfortunately, he doesn't understand that.

"Just wanted to say good luck." Luke told me.

"And," He turns to Percy. "I thought... maybe you could use these."

He handed him the sneakers, which looked normal, but I knew they weren't.

Luke said, "Maia!"

White bird’s wings sprouted from the heels, Percy dropped them. The shoes flapped around, till the wings folded & disappeared.

"Awesome!" Grover said.

"Hey, man," Percy said. "Thanks."

"Listen, Percy..." Luke looked a little uncomfortable. "A lot of hopes are riding on you. So just...kill some monsters for me, okay?"

They shook hands. Luke patted Grover’s head between his horns, then gave a good-bye hug to me & Annie, who looked like she might pass out. After Luke was gone, I told her.

"You’re hyperventilating."

"Am not."

"You let him capture the flag instead of you, didn’t you?"

"Oh..why did I agree to go with you, Nora?"

"Because, you love me.." I grinned.

"No, I hate you." She said stomping down the side of the hill. A white SUV waited on the road. Argus went behind her. I followed them.

Argus drove us into the west of Long Island.

"So far so good," Percy said. “Ten miles & not a single monster."

"It’s bad luck to talk that way, seaweed brain." Annie said. I giggled. Seaweed brain?

"Remind me-why do you hate me so much?"

"I don’t hate you." she said.

"Could’ve fooled me."

"Oh, she doesn't hate you at all. In fact-"

She clapped her hand over my mouth. "Look... we’re not supposed to get along, okay? Our parents are rivals." I licked her hand.

"Eww! Nora!" I smiled innocently.

"Why?" Percy asked

"Once, she caught Poseidon & his girlfriend in her temple. Then Athena & Poseidon competed to be the patron for the city of Athens. Your dad made a stupid saltwater spring. My mom created the olive tree. The people liked her gift better, & named the city after her."

"They must really like olives."

"Oh, forget it."

"Guys.." I started.

"Now, if she’d invented pizza-that I'd understand."

"I said, forget it!"

"Guys!" I shouted.

"What?" They asked in unison.

"Shut up!" I say as Grover laughs. They huffed but remained silent. This was gonna be really fun.

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Take care my lovely readers.❤
Alice signing off.

Daughter Of Lightning - Book 1(Percy Jackson x OC fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now