CHAPTER 10 (Part-2)

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(Ella's POV)

I was a complete crying mess, but it felt nice being in Percy's warm embrace. I finally managed to calm down & he asked me if I was okay. I nodded my head in response. That's when he asks.

"Nora," he said, "have heroes really gone on quests to the Underworld?"

"Sometimes," I said. "Orpheus. Hercules. Houdini. Why?"

"And have they ever returned somebody from the dead?"

"No. Never. Orpheus came close….Percy, you’re not seriously thinking-"

"No," he cut me off. "I was just wondering. So…how'd you do that cool trick yesterday?"

I gave him a suspicious look. I wasn't really convinced that he’d dropped the Underworld idea but I just shrugged it off.

"So, like I told you before I can read & control minds & I also have the power of telekinesis. It was how I'd located you at the cabin in Montauk."

"Woah, woah slow down. You have to show me how all your powers work." I giggled at how curious he sounded.

"Okay. Which power do you wanna see first?"

"Mind control?"

I looked around for a sunject & saw Clarrise headed towards the bathroom. I grabbed Percy's hand & pulled him along. We made it to the bathroom & crouched behind a few bushes.

"A little warning would be better ne-". The rest of his sentence was muffled because I quickly slapped a hand over his mouth when I saw Clarisse come out of the bathroom.

"You wanna get caught?" I whispered.
"C'mon we gotta go after her."

"Okay, okay let's go."

We followed her until she reached her cabin. I held Percy's hand & led him toward the cabin.

"Okay, you trust me?" I asked him.

"Of course. I always have & I always will."

When he said that butterflies erupted in my stomach & my cheeks heated up.

Our eyes met & for a moment I got lost in his sea green eyes, which were as calm as the ocean on a summer evening. But then I suddenly remember what we're supposed to be doing & quickly looked away.

We entered the cabin where Clarrise was busy polishing her spear. I read her mind & saw what she feared most..was her father-Ares.

I created an image of Ares in front of her. She looked up & screamed saying.

"F-father, what are you doing here?"

"You dare disobey me child!" He thundered.

"No, father I haven't done anything wrong."

"If I do find you doing something..."

"Yes, father I-I understand..."

When I made the vision disappear she looked as white as a ghost. Percy & I stepped outside.

"Woah!! Percy exclaimed.


"Totally! What about mind reading?" He asked me.

"Think about something." I told him.

"Hmmm....your thinking about blue chocolate chip cookies."

He looked at me shocked, "No way! How?"

"Way! It's easy. Okay try again." He thinks.

"Seven layer dip with tortilla chips & cherry coke?"

"Damn it! I give up." I laughed.

"I can even telepathically talk to you."


"Yeah." I reply in his mind.

"Awesome." He responds back. "What about telekinesis?"

Just as he said that Will walked by with a high stack of boxes. He tripped suddenly & dropped the topmost one.

I caught it mid-air with blue wisps of power stopping it from falling & place it back on top of the stack.

"Thanks Nora!"

"Your welcome, Will."

I turned to see Percy standing there with his jaw hanging open in shock. I closed his mouth with a giggle & walked on ahead.


After dinner it was finally time for capture the flag. The teams were usually divided into Apollo, Hermes the largest cabins & me from the Zeus cabin. Our side was led by Athena.

The others: Dionysus, Demeter, Aphrodite, & Hephaestus, led by the Ares cabin. Percy came over to me & asked.

"Ares & Athena always lead the teams?"

"Not always," I said. "But often."

"So, if another cabin captures one, what do you do-repaint the flag?"

I smiled coyly. "You’ll see. But first we gotta get one."

"Whose side are we on?"

"Hermes & I have a temporary alliance with Athena. Tonight, we get the flag from Ares."

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Take care my lovely readers.❤
Alice signing off.

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