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(Percy's POV)

When she started singing I was shocked at how beautiful her voice was...just like her. I froze & just couldn't take my eyes off her.

Grover whispered, "Dude, you're staring."

I quickly looked away. The song ended & everyone cheered. The Apollo cabin then continued the sing along while Nora came to me with a smile.

"Hey, Perce!" She said.

Before I could reply Luke beat me to it.

"You were awesome, Nora." He said. She smiled & muttered a 'thanks'.

Next to me Grover said.

"Go talk to her, dude! Why're you acting so weird?"

"Okay, okay...fine." I say making my way over to where they were talking.

"Uh...Nora?" She smiled when she saw me, which was enough to turn me into a puddle of goo right there.

"Yeah Perce?" She asked.

"D-do you...wanna...take a walk...with me?"

"Sure, I know the perfect place."

She stood & laced our fingers together. I was pretty sure about my face being as red as a tomato.

"But, what about me? We were having a good time weren't we?" Luke asked.

"We'll talk later." She said. "Besides, it's not like you're going anywhere right?"

"No...of course not." He forced a smile.

We walked along & Nora led me to a beautiful beach. It was a full moon night.

She let go of my hand, walked ahead & said, "Watch this

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She let go of my hand, walked ahead & said, "Watch this.."

Blue wisps of power flew from her hands & caused fireflies to stir. I'd never seen anything like this was amazing...

We sat on the moonlit beach. Nora drew patterns in the sand. She finally looked up at the moon. A slight breeze blew making her hair fall across her face, but she didn't seem bothered by it.

"It's beautiful...isn't it?" She asked.

I was too busy looking at her to look at the moon. She seemed to glow in the moonlight.

" is." I said still looking at her.

She felt my gaze & looked at me, her eyes sparkled like sapphires when they caught the moonlight. "I'm talking about the view Perce."

"So am I." I replied tucking a strand of hair behind her ear.

"Oh really?" She raised an eyebrow at me.

"You're way more beautiful." I said gesturing to everything around us.

(Ella's POV)

"You're way more beautiful than this." He said. I didn't expect him to say that. I froze.

"W-what?" I asked. I was blushing mess.

He seemed to have realised what he had said & tried to say something but got flustered.

We both looked at each other for a good five seconds & then burst out laughing. I said.

"I didn't know you were such a flirt."

"I didn't either." He said chuckling.

"This is like my thinking spot. When I need to get away from things. It is a reminder that good things can always happen, you know?"

"Yeah." He replies.

I lay my head on his shoulder & he wraps an arm around my waist. The weirdest part? It if it was meant to be like this.

I smiled at the thought. That's when I realized that I liked Percy, but...did he like me back..?

We stayed there for few hours. He told me how badly his pathetic stepfather- Gabe, would treat him & his mom.

He also told me about his school life which was the same as mine. We told each other jokes too.

It was past curfew so we head back. We walk to the Hermes cabin. I was about to leave but he grabs my hand stopping me in place.

"I..uh..just..wanna thank you." He hesitated. When he didn't say anything else, I replied.

"Oh, okay...your welcome."

We both just stood there in awkward silence for a few minutes until I said, "I should go."

"Y-yeah, of course." He seemed nervous...?

"But, just stop by my cabin in the morning before breakfast. I'll tell you your schedule."

"Sure, I'll be there. Good night, Nora."

"Night, Perce. Sweet dreams." He blushed.

"You too." He replied.

I walked toward my cabin. I changed into my pajamas & lied down on my bed.

I kept thinking about a certain green-eyed boy & wondered if he liked me back. There was no way he could like me right? I mean sure he did act nervous around me but, guys always get nervous around girls don't they?

With these thoughts running through my head I eventually let sleep overcome me...

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Take care my lovely readers.❤
Alice signing off.

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