Imaginary Couple part 1(Freen)

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First day at 2nd school year
At cafeteria

Girl 1- They really look cute together.
Girl2-I told you.

Freen- Dude! RealIy? Can't believe I have to start a first day at school like this.

Heng- Khun Freen khrap,Do I look happy seeing them shipping us?Hmm? Freen If I don't get a girlfriend this year that's all because of your fault.

Freen- Don't blame on me that you don't get a girlfriend. But Is your fault that I don't get a lover this year.

Heng- Is your fault that you don't get a boyfriend.You have been saying no to every love letter.

Freen- Yes, that's because I don't like th-


Freen-  What happened with that two again?(sight)

Nam-Freen Freen Freen... You know Rebecca right?

Freen- Rebecca who?

Nam- Don't you say you don't know her! Rebecca Armstrong you don't know? A celebrity girl!A singer, beauty blogger..

Heng- Wait wait nam sit first and Don't you see me? Since you come I can only hear Rebecca and freen don't you see me sitting here say hi first.

Noey and freen-(laughed)

Nam-Sorry, I'm just excited.Hi heng ok back to Rebecca..

Noey- Nam calm down. I'm gonna tell them.

Freen-Ok What's up with Rebecca Armstrong?

Noey- You know her right? She posted this morning that she moved to Thailand and she's going school at Thailand.And when we look the pic she post the school she will be attending might be our school me and nam saw our school uniform in her pic.

Freen- That's why you guys are freaking out?

Nam- yeah I never thought that I will be a same school with celebrity like her.

Noey- Nam I'm celebrity too.

Heng- If she transfer to our school I will hit on her and she will become my girlfriend and then

Nam-I don't think you will have a chance.I think Freen will have a chance.


Heng-  Why? Isn't I handsome enough?

Freen- maybe.

Nam- Maybe you are handsome enough but I heard that she only like girls.

(Freen eyes little wide open and she smiles a little but no one saw.)

Heng- Really! All my thoughts are gone...

Freen- Ai Heng, You already have crush but you saying to hit on someone else.

Heng- I'm just kidding. I'm loyal to someone I like.

Noey- Actually she never said that she likes girls or boys maybe she is Bi.But who knows right?

Nam- Yep,but I still think heng will not get a chance.

Saint- Hi kids.

Freen- P saint when did you get here?

Saint- Right now.Can one of you guys help me?

All four of them- Yes,phi.

Saint-Ok at first I was gonna sent this music book to music club on my way but the professor "A" called me so one of you guys helped me sent this book to music club?

Freen- I'm not finish my breakfast yet nam can you help?

Nam-Ok kha phi.

Saint-Thank you,bye bye kids.

Nam- Ai heng,Ai Noey you guys come with me?

Heng- No I'm gonna sleep for 5 minutes.

Noey- I will come with you.

Nam- See you in class freen.


Nam and Noey left.

Freen- Heng,are you really gonna sleep or are you waiting someone?

Heng- I'm not.

Freen-Ok Ok I believe.(in mind I don't believe)

A few minutes later

Freen- Heng,Ai heng,DUDE!

Heng- What! Why are you yelling at me?

Freen- Look at the entrance that's surprise isn't it?

Heng- Oh yeah he is there.Thank you Freen bye!

Freen- Dude where are you going?

Heng- I'm gonna tell you later.

Freen- Well, my thought was right. Now, I'm alone.Is better to go to class.( She stand up without watching her back)

Freen and a girl- Ah!!

Part 1 end....

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