Imaginary Couple part 4(sushi)

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Becky - P freen...

Freen- I'm sorry. They are many people so I thought you might be annoyed or something.(still holding Bec hand)

Becky- Thank you but I'm okay. I love all the people who love me.Phi My purse is at cafeteria I have to go take that.

Freen- Ok I think they already gone too. Let's go.

(Becky look freen hand that hold hers)
(Freen let go Bec hand and said I'm sorry again)

Becky- It's okay I like when someone hold my hand.

(Bec hold freen hand again and go back to cafeteria)

(Freen heart skip a beat and she noticed that)


They arrived to cafeteria freen let go of Becky hand she doesn't want anyone to say bad things to Becky.

Becky notice freen let go of her hand she asked

Becky- phi why you let go of my hand.

Freen- nothing I just don't want anyone to think wrong.

Becky- We just hold out hand. Aren't we friends. Friends hold each other hands right?(in mind "What friends? Why did I say friends? Why couldn't I say that me and p freen are friends right "What am I thinking.)

Freen- friends hold each other hands that's right.(in mind friends? Yeah we are friends but why I didn't like that when Bec said)

Becky- Are you gonna go home now? Or do you still have class?

Freen- go home I think.

Becky- If you don't have anything to do. How about go eat something together. We didn't eat anything at cafeteria.

Freen- I'm okay with that.What do you like to eat?

Becky- sushi and salad but I can't eat spicy foods.
Freen-i like that too but I like spicy foods.drink?
Becky-Thai bubble tea 100% sugar
Freen- You can drink sugar that much?
Becky- Yep,you?
Freen- I like jasmine tea.
Becky- Now we both know what each other like to eat.
Freen- I'm gonna take you to my fav sushi restaurant.
Becky said let's go kha and grab Freen's arm.

Freen smile a little but she hold herself to not smile.


Arrived to sushi restaurant

Opp- Freen you here!

Freen- Sawadeekha p' opp

Becky- Sawadeekha

Opp- I never see her before in your friends.Who is she?

Freen-  She is my friend now.

Becky(in mind) I didn't know I don't like being called friends by someone.Maybe She is the one who saying it maybe that's why I don't like it but we are friends.

Opp-Well,here is menu.

Freen- Get us 2 salmon sushi and salad but don't put spicy*smile*

Opp- Didn't you like spicy?

Freen- Yeah but I don't want to eat spicy right now.

Opp- ok kha

Freen- phi get us thai bubble tea too.

Becky- and a jasmine tea.

Opp-(in mind hmm? Didn't freen like jasmine tea?) Ok will be there in few minutes.

Becky-Thank you for not adding spicy but you can add spicy. You don't have to think about me.

Freen- I just really don't want to eat spicy now.

Becky-*smile* I'm gonna go to toilet.But where's the toilet

Freen- There's are three rooms right the second one nevermind I will come with you.

Becky- It's okay.second one right? I will go alone.

Freen- Ok

Becky go to p opp

Becky- phi kha Can you add spicy to one of salmon sushi?

Opp- Ok  you like spicy?

Becky- I can't eat spicy but p freen like to eat spicy.

Opp- ok I will add.

Becky- Thank you*smile*

Becky back to seat
At first she sit in front of freen but now Bec sit beside freen.

Becky- I don't want to sit alone.

Freen- Ah,okay.

Opp- here are the dishes and he wink to Bec(in mind he was saying he add spicy)

Freen saw and said
Freen- p opp, don't flirt with her.She is my friend.

Opp- ok kha Khun Freen.

Bec eat one of sushi but it's add spicy her face turn red and she's about to tear up.
Freen saw and she doesn't know what happened she asked "Becky what's wrong?"

Becky- It's....spicy

Freen- *eat one of sushi* I said don't add spicy p...

Becky- I tell him to add because you like spicy.

Freen give water to Bec and wiping tear on Bec's face with her finger.


Bec face turn red again not because she eat spicy. Freen's fingers touch her face that's why her face turned red.

Freen- Becky,are you really ok?Your face really red now.

Becky- It's okay .I have to go to bathroom.
*Stand up*


Becky is in the bathroom looking herself in the mirror.

Becky-(saying to herself) Oh my god Rebecca What's going into you? Relax ⁴
And she washed her face with water and come out of the bathroom.

Freen- Becky ,your face and shirt are wet.

Becky- It's okay.

Freen- No, it's not*freen stand up* and put her coat on Becky.

Freen was about to touch Becky face again.  Becky step back and said foods are gonna be cold let's eat.

They sit again but this time Bec sit in front of freen and don't even look up.

Freen-*in mind* What did I do wrong? Maybe because I touch her face that's why she sit a way from me.

Becky- *in mind* If I sit beside her I will be blushed again.But sitting in front of her is not good too I can't even look up why is she so pretty everytime I look her.

They don't even talk a word and just eating.

Finished eating.

They go out and

Becky- I have fun today thank you for hanging out with me.

Freen- Where us your house? I will walk with you.(in mind I still want to see her face)

Becky- I already called my mom to pick me up.(in mind Why did I asked my mom to pick me up? I still want to be with her.)

Freen- Oh ok so bye!

Becky- wait,can you wait for my mom with me?

Freen-of couse.

Someone- click³

Part 4 end.

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