Imaginary Couple part 15(short film)

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Someone- Actually I am from drama club. This month I have to do short film. Can you guys helped me by act as couple in my film?

Freen- Couple?
Becky- Act?
Freen- But why us?

Someone -We have been wanting to do LGBTQ+ film .That can be voice for LGBTQ+.We already do BL ver but we never did GL ver before. You two already get enough interested from other people and in school many people think you two look cute together ,so do we. I think if you two act as couple that will be perfect.

Nam- If they do what would they get?

Someone- Our films have been on top .Most of people who participated in our film they are now actor,model or influencer.
If freen and Becky interested in being actor or something our film is the step to get into artist world.

Irin- Becky ,you always want to be an actress since you do beauty blogger.This can improve your acting. But P freen are you okay with professors If you do?

*Freen look at becky thinking*

Freen- We will think about that.
Someone- If you decide to do you can come to drama club. But decide in three days.If you guys reject we have to find someone else. That's why we can only give you three days. My name is Alex.

*Alex left*

Freen- bec if this can be step to your dream  how about we do this.

Becky- But what about your dream?

Irin- Ah.. Bec I'm gonna go now.*whisper* talk with p freen.

Nam- Freen, think slowly.

*All of their friends left.*

*Freen saw Bec look stressed*

Freen- Bec...
Becky-No, we are not doing that.
Freen- Becky
Becky- I will not let you get hated from professors or someone else.
Freen- BB,we never hang out at outside right? How about we go today? I'm gonna take you to cinema or amusement park.
Becky- Are you not gonna say no to film?
Freen- We have times. We can tell them in 3 days.But today we will go to somewhere. You can't say no.

*Freen hold Becky hand and go to their car.Open car door for Becky like she always do*

*They arrived to amusement park.At first Bec doesn't smile or laugh at all but Bec is with freen how can she don't smile looking at freen. They ride every things in the park but not the scary things because freen scared to ride that. Freen tried to ride but she is so scared to ride.They been having fun and 2 hours is passed already.Freen and Becky sat down at bench.They are not walking anymore but still holding hands.*

Freen- Bec,are you happy now?
Becky- I'm always happy.*in Bec's mind. I am always happy when I'm with you p freen.* Are you happy too?
Freen- I'm always happy too.*in Freen's mind just being with you make me happy my bb.*

*Bec look to their hands holding. Normally when Bec look at their hands holding freen let go of Bec hand but this time freen still holding Bec's hand and looking at Bec with smile.Bec like when freen hold her hand so she doesn't said anything.*

A few minutes later.

Freen- Bec, I already think about the film.We will do that.
Becky- But..
Freen- I want to support your dream. I can do everything for you to see you grow up.
Becky- But if you do what if professors hated you.
Freen- Why would they?
Becky- Because you do GL. You are the top 1 student in class and I am a girl.
Freen- Can't top 1 student love girl?
Becky- No, I don't mean that I mean we both are...... Wait did you said "love"?
Freen- Ahh~~ I mean in a film. Is just a film I can do that. Even if I fell in love with you for real I can still follow my dream. Just saying

Becky- What if professors won't accept your project because of the film.* Freen dream is to become an professor.Bec scared that professor might hate freen because of GL film.*

*Freen stand up and kneel down in front of Bec and hug Bec*

Freen- It's okay, I promise you, we both can follow our dream. Professor "A" isn't look like he hate LGBTQ+ and I think they will understand that is just film even if is real many people are opened mind right now.

*The next day,Freen and Becky arrived to drama club*

Alex- Have you two decided already?
Freen- Yes,we will do that.
Alex- Are you sure? You two know you can get both love and hate?
Freen- We know and we are sure.
Becky- We will do that film.

*Break time*

Nam- So,you two gonna be couple now?just kidding.
Noey- You teased them so much. When will be your first shooting?

Freen- This Sunday will be first shooting.
Becky- but we have to read script first.

Irin- look,look one started the sentence other one finished the sentence. That's mean soulmate.

Becky- That doesn't even make sense but we will accept the words "soulmate" right p freen?*saying that and hold Freen's arm*

Freen- Right.*smile*

Nam-The Film isn't start yet but they already acted like a couple.

Freen- We are gonna go to our class now. Let's go Bec.

Becky- kha.*Bec hold Freen's hand And left*

Nam- Noey, how could I stopped teasing them if they keep doing like this?

Irin- That's what I thought.

Part 15 end.

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