Imaginary Couple part 8(I know now)

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Nam and Bec arrived to freen house.

Freen's Mom- kids I think she won't come out.

Nam- No worry mom, don't tell her that we are here.We will just go up.

Bec whispered to nam( phi is your plan gonna work?)

Nam-of course*smirk*as long as you do as my plan.

Nam and Bec go up.

Nam knocked the door so loudly and started saying" freen Bec is at hospital now she fainted when she's taking pictures with her fans.Are you gonna let Bec stay alone?"

And freen's door open

When freen open her door Bec pushed the door and go inside*that's what nam planned*

Freen- Becky? Aren't you at.....
Becky- No I'm not.We faked it.I just want to know are you still sick.

Freen- I'm fine now. Just don't get enough sleep. You don't have to worry about me now. I'm gonna come to school on Monday.

Becky- I'm not worry now.I already saw you. Seeing you not sick is enough for me. I'm gonna go home now.See you at school.

Freen- Wait, I am sorry that I walked out that day. I have something to think about.

Becky- You don't have to say sorry I understand.You have your own problem too.

Freen- We are still the same right? Do we still closed?

Becky- We are always the same.

Freen- I will send back to your house.

They are walking and don't say anything.
And then Bec hold Freen's hand and smile to freen.

They arrived to Bec's house.

Becky- phi kha,this is my house.
Freen- ....
*Becky look at their hands still holding*
Freen let go of Bec's hand and said goodnight.

Becky- I have missed you.*say that in low voice*
Freen- hmm?
Becky-nothing, goodnight.
Freen- I miss you too,Bec.
*Becky smile and hug freen for a few seconds and go inside*

Someone *click*

Bec's pov* It was worth that I go to see her*

Freen arrived to her house nam is sitting in her room.

Freen- What?
Nam- Are you still thinking or not?
Freen- I already finished thinking.
Nam- So, what's the answer?Did you get the answer you want?
Freen- I think*smile*.

*Flashback this morning*

To nam,from freen
Nam you have been telling me how is Becky doing everyday since I started not go to school. But Can I get one more help?

To freen,from Nam

To nam,from freen
Can you make Becky come to my place?

*Flashback end*

Nam- Freen you can go talk to her anytime.Why you planned this?

Freen- At school there are many people around her I don't get a chance to talk to her.P opp restaurant is closed for two weeks. What could I do?

Nam- So,Do you have a planned for confess too?
Freen- No, I don't want to lose her.I will just keep staying beside her and protect her.
Nam- okok.


Bec is taking pictures with her fans and smiling but all she can think about is Freen *didn't she said she will come today? Why she is not arrived yet?All of her friends is here but where is my P freen?*

Freen already here but she doesn't want to  interrupt Becky and her fans talking.So she's just standing and watching.But when she saw one of fan hold Becky's hand she yelled,

Freen- Rebecca!

Becky turn around and see freen she immediately said bye and thank you to her fans and run to freen and hug freen*Becky is the person who doesn't care her area when she saw freen*

They stopped hugging and Becky asked

Becky-P freen why you called me Rebecca?
Freen- most of them don't know your nickname right?
Becky- Actually they all know.
Freen-hmm? I thought only your close friends know.
Becky- All of my fans are my close friends.
They go to their friends table at cafeteria.

Heng- Why you guys so clingy with each other since morning?
Nam- Should I start calling "Becky Chankinha" or "Freen Armstrong"?

Freen- You guys are so overreacting,right Bec?

Becky- yeah, they are.

Heng- look everything freen said Bec agreed.

Nam- We are just third wheeling right now.

Noey- hey you guys,is my feeling or some of students looking at us.Some are whispering while looking to Becky.

Freen- I noticed that too....maybe we just thinking....


Part 8 end.

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