Imaginary Couple Part 23(first day)

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Bec- Goodnight kha,Khun faen.*Bec kiss Freen's cheeks and run into her house.*

*Freen opened her eyes but Bec is already went into her house.*

Freen-Have a sweet* She said that in her mind.*

*Freen arrived her house.*

Freen's Mom- Freen,Freen!
Freen- Kha,Mom.
Freen's Mom- It looked like you were happy on your trip, because you smiled and entered the house without even hearing my call.
Freen- Sorry, I am just thinking something. I am gonna go upstairs now.
Freen's Mom- Wait, I have something to tell you. Come back home after class tomorrow. I will go to Chiang Mai, so you have to look after the house.
Freen- Mom! I have appointment with someone already.
Freen's Mom- With who?
Freen- Becky.
Freen's Mom- You can just meet her at home. You twos usually meet at home.I am not gonna be at home so both of you look after the house together.
Freen- Kha,Mom.
Freen's Mom- Go rest now.

*Freen go upstairs and text to Becky.*

*To Becky from freen.*
Bec,after class tomorrow, I can't go out anymore because my mom is going to Chiang Mai and I have to look after the house.

*To Freen from Becky.*
It's okay, we can meet at Tuesday too.

*To Becky from Freen.*
Do you want to come to my house, tomorrow?

*To Freen from Becky.*
Come pick me up after class.

*To Becky from Freen.*
I will, see you tomorrow.

*To Freen from Becky.*
Kha. Have a sweet dream, P freen.

*To Becky from Freen.*
Goodnight na.

*Next day after class.*
Heng- Freen we are about to go to new cafe. Wanna come with us?
Freen- No, I have to stay home today.
Noey- Why?
Freen- My mom go to Chiang Mai. I have to look after the house.
Noey- You alone? We will come with you.
Freen- Please don't.
Heng- Why?
Noey- Ahh~~ I think she already has appointment with someone.
Freen- *smile.*
Heng- Bye bye na,friend.
Noey- Have a great time with your girlfriend.
Freen- Wait, how did you guys know?
Noey- You were smiling like idiot the whole day. How will we don't know?
Heng- Let's go Noey.

*Heng and noey left.*

*Freen texted Becky.*
Freen- Bec, is your class finished?
Becky - Is was over 5 minutes ago.
Freen -I will come to pick you up right now.
Becky- Kha.

2 minutes later.
Freen- Becky..
Irin- There is she. I am gonna go now.
*Irin left.*
Becky- P Freen, did you run?
Freen- I am sorry that I'm late. I was talking with Noey and Heng.
Becky- It's okay. Next time come slowly I can wait.
Freen- Let's go,give me your hand.
*Freen took Becky's hand and left.*

Becky- P Freen, aren't we going home? Look like we are heading to car parking.
Freen- We are going to my car.
Becky- Hmm? Why don't you drive when you come to me?
Freen-The car parking is far from my class and also far from your class. I don't want you to wait too long.
Becky- You remember my words right? Next time don't run , I can wait.
Freen- Kha...Khun BB.

*Freen and Becky arrived to Freen's house.*

Freen- Mom, I am back.
Becky- Sawadeekha,mom.
Freen's Mom- Sorry, today I am really busy. Don't have time to cook. Freen here.Order food with this and take care nong. I will be back at Wednesday.
Freen- Mom, I have enough money to order food.
Freen's Mom- I know I just want to give. I am gonna go now. Bec,bye bye na.
Becky- Be safe,mom.
Freen- Bye bye, take care mom.

*Freen closed the door and they both went upstairs.*

Freen- Bec*Passed her phone.* Order what you want to eat. I am gonna shower first.
* Freen go into the bathroom.*

*Becky searching what to order but she accidentally closed the phone.*

Becky- Eh! Now I have to order with my phone.* Becky was about to order with her phone.She doesn't know why but she click 0512 to open Freen's phone password.* *Freen's phone opened.*
Becky- 0512 is my birthdate. When did she put my birthday as her password? Maybe is just a coincidence. 0512 can be mean other day. No it can't be other date,I am her girlfriend now. it's make sense that she put my birthdate as her password.

*Freen come out of the bathroom.*
Freen- Are you ordered finished yet?
Becky- Uhh... No, I am still thinking. P freen, can you order food? I don't know what to eat.
Freen- Omm.... I will.
Becky- Thank you kha, I am gonna shower now.

*A few minutes later. Bec finished shower and their food arrived too.*

Freen- Becky..., I am sorry we can't go outside.
Becky- You don't have to say sorry. Just you being beside me is enough for me.
Freen- Thank you na. *Freen gave pat on Bec's head.* Let's watch movie.

*They spent their times together while watching movie and eat together.After awhile movie was about to end and on the screen is the kiss scene.Now the room is full with silence and they both can't look at each other for few seconds.*

Freen- mmm....Bec.
Becky- Kha?
Freen- you wanna like...*saying that in low voice.*
Becky- hmm?
Freen- I I mean, do you wanna sleep now? It's already 10PM.
Becky- Hmm?

Freen- Freen what are you saying?SLEEP?*Freen said to herself.*
Becky- Phi,do you want to sleep?
Freen- No, I mean do you want to do like you know....
Becky- It's not time to play puzzle games. Let's sleep.*Bec stand up and went upstairs.*

*Bec went into the room and closed the door.*
*Becky- What is P Freen trying to say? I am the only one who expecting something?*sight*

*The door opened.*

*Bec turned around and their eyes met.*
Becky- kha?
Freen- Can I..... Can I kiss you?
Becky- Emm!
Freen- I am gonna kiss you in 5 seconds if you want to closed your eyes but if you don't want to...
Becky- Why need 5 seconds? *Bec walk up to freen and kiss freen for few seconds.* *Bec step back.*
*Freen touch Bec's chin softly and they kiss again.*

Part 23 end.

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