Imaginary Couple Part 19(Beach scene)

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*Saturday 6AM*

Alex- Today filming will not be tired. We will only do 3 scenes.One is now,you guys watching sunrise and freen confess to Becky.Second one is just walking together at sea-side.The last one will be when sunset  Becky will accept freen confess and you two have to do....

Freen- Do what?
Alex-We will talked about that later. Now let's do confess scene we have to do when sun rise.

Freen and Becky- Ok kha.

Alex-I think sun will rise soon. Let's wait for 5 minutes.

Becky- P freen,are you okay? What are you thinking?
Freen- I'm just nervous.We have to pass with a few takes.Sunrise will be not less long.
Becky- It's okay you did well in every takes. Last filming, we passed almost all parts with one shot.
Alex- Freen,relax just think your loved one is rose(Bec character),feel the love and scene will be perfect.

Freen- Kha, I will try.*Freen's mind. I'd never thought I will ask Bec to be my girlfriend. Now I have to ask her when acting what if I can only think about Bec and not rose. Wait it's still okay if I think about Becky while filming. That's will be more easy to me because Bec is the one I love.*

*Becky's mind. Is really hard for P freen to think that I am the one she love?*

Alex- Bec, why you look sad? Are you okay?
Freen- Bec, what's wrong? Are you sick? Can you still act?
Becky- Yes, I can.*Bec smile but her smile seem forced.*

Alex- Let's do now,kids. Freen and Becky sit at that bench. Ok ready?

Becky- Ready kha.
Freen- kha.

Alex- Take 1, action.

*The sounds of waves. They both silence for a few seconds.*

Becky- Do you already have someone now?
Freen- Someone? What do you mean?
Becky- Ummm.....someone you love.
Freen- How about you?
Becky- I asked you first.
Freen- ......I think I already have.
Becky- Is he nice to you? Are you two couple now?
Freen- Not yet.But she's really nice to me.
Freen- Why's so surprised? Can't I love girl?
Becky- No,not like are you gonna confess to her?
Freen- I afraid that our relationship can be broken.
Becky- If you like someone just go for it. You are really pretty and nice. I think she will answer what you want to hear.
Freen- Do you really think that?
Becky- Yes, if I will. I will accept your confess.
Freen- Really?
Becky- Just saying, don't think too much.
Freen-.....What if I said someone I love is you? Are you gonna accept me?
Becky- You have to try first.
Freen- *hold Bec's hand.* Rose...
*Bec turned around and their eyes met.*
Freen- I love you...
Becky-....*laugh* Don't make a joke like that.
Freen- I'm not. Will you be my girlfriend?
Bec- I...
Freen- You are the only one that I ever love. You are already my first love and I want you to be my last love. Since the day we met all I can think about is you. I only had eyes on you.Can I be the one you love?* That's not on script.Freen saying the words that she want to tell to Becky.*

Bec- I.... Can I get time?*Bec was confused cause that's not on script but alex don't said cut yet. So she still have to act.*

Alex- Cut! It's really perfect.Freen where did you get that line?
Freen- I I saw it in the movie.
Becky- So, that's lines are just in the movie?
Freen- Yeah, that's just popped up in my head.*What are you saying freen. That's your feeling.*
Becky- Phi Alex it's already passed right?
Alex- Yeah,you two did really well. Just a reminder breakfast will be serve soon.
Becky- I will excuse myself now.
Freen- Bec,are you sick?
Becky- I am okay. I just want to breathe fresh air.
Freen- I will come with you.
Becky- Don't. I want to be alone.
*Bec left*
Alex- Freen did you do something wrong to her?
Freen- I'm not.... I don't know.
Alex- Talk with her.
Freen- But she said she want to be alone.
Alex- *sight* Just do whatever you want. I will go eat breakfast now.
*Alex left*

*Back to Becky left and she sat down at bench*
Becky-So all she said is just in the movie.I know she doesn't mean that but when she said I feel like she is telling what she feel. It turned out that I'm the only one who thought like that.*Bec started crying and she can't even said anything. All she do is crying and crying for too long.*

Freen- Bec!
Becky- P freen
*Freen run to Bec and kneel down in front of Bec.*
Freen- Bec, what happened?*saying that while she wiped Bec's tears with her hand.*
Becky- I said you to don't follow me.
Freen- Are you mad at me?
Becky- .....No, I'm just don't fine.
Freen-*Freen hug Becky* Everything will be okay. It's okay that you don't want to tell me what happened. Tell me when you want to. I am always beside you and I will listen to you every day. I don't want to see you cry. Your smile is important to me.
*When Freen hugged her and told her that her smile important to freen,Bec couldn't be sad anymore.*

It's okay Bec.You are already important to freen. Even in a friend way she still care about you. I am enough with that.*Bec said to herself.*
*Bec hug back to freen for few seconds and let go of freen.*
Becky-P freen....thank you kha. I'm fine now. Let's go eat breakfast.
Freen- Are you sure?
Becky- Yes, let's go.*Bec stand up and give her hand to freen while smiling.*
*Freen is now sure that bec is okay because this time bec's smile look happy,so they  joined hands and got up to have breakfast.*

*At hotel restaurant*

Nam- Phi Alex,where is Freen and Becky?
Alex- I think they are talki....oh there they come.Come here kids.

*Freen pulled chair for Becky.*
Becky- Thank you kha.*smile*
Freen-*smile back to Becky and said beside her.*
Alex- So,are you two okay now?
Noey- Did they have fight?
Freen- We never fight. Just eat your food.

*Freen fed Becky.*
Freen- Sorry, sauce is on your lips.
*Nam was about to passed tissue to Bec but freen wiped bec's lips with her finger and eat the sauce on her finger.*

Nam-Did any of you saw that?
Irin- Saw what?
Nam- Freen ate the sauce on Bec's lips.
Freen- What's wrong with that?
Nam- hmm! You just eat something that is already been on Bec's lips.
Alex- I think that just normal for them.Look at Bec she didn't even bat a eyelash. Glad that you two comfortable with each other like that. That will help to you two to do kiss scene today.

Freen and becky- HMM!!
*All people at the table with them startled because of their voice*

Alex- What! My heart was about to fall out.

Becky-Did you said kiss scene?

Part 19 end.

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