Imaginary Couple part 26(Idol factory)

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Someone- Khun Rebecca?
Becky- Kha?
Someone- My name is Chen. I am from Idol Factory. I have to discuss with you something.*show his business-card.*
Becky - Kha,you can tell.
Chen- Can we talk alone?
Chen- Please follow me to the entrance.
Becky- P Freen, I will be at school entrance.
Freen- Omm.....
*Bec left.*

Freen- Can we trust that guy? They are taking alone.
Noey- It's like I've heard the name idol factory.
Nam-Freen don't worry you can trust.It is the company that produced the Secret crush on you series.

*Becky and the guy from Idol Factory started talking.*

Chen-We saw your GL short film and our boss want you to be an actress at our company.
Becky- Wait,are you serious?
Chen- Yes.
Becky- I I....
Chen- You can think.We have upcoming GL series. We want you to be the main lead in that series with Khun Nita. If you want to be in that series please come to our company in one week. You can sign with us now if you want to. But can i ask you something?
Becky- Kha.
Chen- Are you in a relationship right now? If you are in a relationship break up with them.
Becky- But why?
Chen- If you become GL actress. Most of your fans will ship with you and your co-star. Even you don't want to act like you two are close as couple you have to do that. Fans will only want to see you and your ship. Not everyone want to see you do couple things with someone eles. Even you are okay with doing fan service.Is your lover will be okay too? Is your lover want to see you kiss someone else? And we don't want to get rumors.
Becky- Can I think?
Chen- Of couse. This is our company business card. Call us if you want to do the series. We will only give you one week.

*Chen left and Becky go back to the cafeteria.*

Irin- Bec,are you okay? What did he said?
Becky- He asked me that do I want to be an actress.
Nam- accept that right?
Becky- I said I will think.
Nam- Why?
Becky- I I have to study too. I don't have much time.
Nam- but...
Freen- Nam! Stop....Bec, it's okay I will support everything you decide. You don't have to be pressure about that.

Becky's mind-* P Freen I don't want to break up with you. If I accept to be in the series will you be okay with seeing me with someone else. I love you so much that I am afraid you will leave me when I am working.Even if I can't follow the dream I want, I will stay with P Freen until she doesn't love me anymore.*

Freen- Bec, Bec!
Freen- Let's go.*freen took Bec's hand and walked to her car.*

Becky- P Freen, why are we at the parking.
Freen- I want to go on a date with you.
Becky- But we have a few classes.
Freen- I know.*opened car door for Becky.*Just go in.
*Becky got into the car and freen also got into the car.*

Becky- P Freen,where are we going to?
Freen- Everywhere that you want to go.
Becky- I can go wherever as long as you are with me.
*Freen smile and started the car.*
*Now they are at opp's restaurant and they go inside.*

Opp- Long time no see,sis. Becky you too.
Becky- Sawadeekha,phi.
*Freen and Becky sat down at table.*
Opp- What do you twos want to eat?
Becky-P opp kha, spicy salmon sushi and jasmine tea too. Please don't do Tuna. P Freen is allergies to Tuna.
Freen- Don't add spicy. And 100% milk tea.
Opp- Ok.
*Opp left.*
Freen-Bec, you only order for me again.Next time order for yourself first.
Becky- I have you who will order for me anytime, isn't it?
Freen- What if we...
Becky- What if?
Freen- Nothing.....Bec I love you.
Becky- I love you too.

*A few minutes later.*
Someone- Here are your dishes.
Freen- Thank you kha. I never seen you before.Who are you?
Opp- My boyfriend.
Freen- Boyfriend?
Opp- Freen,this is my boyfriend nutt. Nutt she is Freen and she is Freen's friend Becky.
Freen- Girlfriend kha.
Becky- P Freen!
Opp- Ouii.... I always knew you twos will become couple. Nutt let's go. Leave this love birds alone.
Nutt- Bye bye na.
*Opp and butt left.*
*Becky look at to freen.*

Freen- What? He is kind of my brother.He should know too. I don't like someone call you as my friend.
Becky's mind-* P Freen,how can I break up  when you are like this.*
Freen- Becky, let's go to movie after we eat.
Becky- Kha.

*They arrived to movie theater now.*

Freen-Bec,there are many people wait me here. I will go buy tickets.
*Freen went to buy tickets .The line is a little bit long so she doesn't back in few minutes.*

Someone- Are you a girl at the beach a few months ago,right?
Becky- Who are you?
Someone- Don't you remember me? I am nop.
Becky- Sorry,I really don't remember you.
Nop- I ask for your line id remember?But someone said you are her girlfriend.
Becky- Ahh~~ I remember now.
Nop- You twos are not a real couple ,right? I saw your short film. Can I get your line Id now?
Becky- I am sorry but I have a lov....
Nop- are her girlfriend in the film.
Freen- What's wrong with you? I already said to don't mess with her.
Nop- I am just asking your friend line id. Khun kha,can you give me?
*Bec hold Freen's hand.*
Becky- I am sorry but my girlfriend doesn't like you and I don't want to give my line id to you too.
*Nop upset but he can't do anything and left.*
Becky- P Freen,you already buy tickets?
Freen- No, I saw him and you talking so I got out of the queue. I am gonna line up again.
Becky- Let's go together this time.*Bec's mind- P Freen I won't break up with you.*
*A few minutes later.*
Worker from the movie theater- Here are your tickets. Movie will start at 5PM.
*Freen took the tickets and they got out of the line.*
Freen-Bec, We have 30 minutes left. How about we go eat ice cream together?
Becky- Let's go.

*Freen and Becky eat ice cream together and walking and holding hands for a while.*

Becky- P Freen, to be a professor is still your dream?
Freen- Not anymore,right now I want to be artist or photographer. Bec,your dream is to become actress, right?
Becky- My dream is to stay beside you forever.
Freen- Don't you want to be an actress?
Becky- .....No.*Bec's mind- To stay beside you is more important to me.*

*After that Freen and Becky watched movie together and went to amusement park.*

Freen-Bec you always want to ride that ,right? Let's play that.
Becky- But, you afraid that isn't it?
Freen- I am, but this time I want to ride that with you.*Freen took Becky's hand.*

*Freen and Becky spend time together like the first time they went to amusement part but this time they are going as a couple.*

*After they play for a while they sat down at bench.*

Freen- Bec remember this.
Becky- Remember what?
Freen- I love you so much.
Becky- I know. I love you so much too.*Bec hold Freen's hand.*
Freen - Bec, thank you for coming in my life and being my girlfriend. All of the days I am with you that's the best days of my life.
Becky- It's the same for me too. We have been dating for a while but I still think that I am dreaming.
*Freen kiss Bec's forehead.*
Freen- Bec, we still have one place to go tonight.
*They stand up and started walking.*
Becky- P Freen,you parked your car there.
Freen- We are not going to my car. I want to hold your hand and walk.
Becky's mind-* P Freen,I will not do that series. I won't do anything that will make us far away to each other.*

*They started walking and they stopped when they arrived to bridge at amusement park.*

Freen-*Take a picture of them holding hand and stars.* In a moment, there will be fireworks. I have always want to watch that with someone I love.
Becky- P Freen, did you do something wrong to me? You acted strange today.
Freen- Nothing..
Becky- But you have been telling me that you love me the whole day. Are you okay?
Freen- I am okay. Don't you like that I am saying I love you.
Becky- No, but you never said you love me that much. Seem like you are saying like today will be our last day.

*There are fireworks in the sky now.*
*A few seconds later the fireworks stopped.*

Freen- Bec...
*Bec turned to freen.*
Freen- Let's break up.

Part 26 end.

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