Imaginary Couple part 3(Finally They met)

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Freen- I'm sorry.

Becky- it's okay.(in mind The first time I met her, she said I'm sorry, and now I have to hear it again. After 5months I have finally found her.)

Freen- You are..

Becky-(in mind hmm?she remembered me?)

Freen-You are Rebecca Armstrong. I saw you on Instagram.

Becky-(in mind yeah how can she remembered) You can call me Becky.

Freen-Ok Becky,you look more pretty in person.And you can speak Thailand very well.

Becky- thanks.

Freen- by the way I'm freen.You can call me P freen or freen both fine.

Becky- kha p freen.Can you help me go to music club.

Freen-of couse(she didn't finished her breakfast yet)

And they left
They talk all the way to music club.

Arrived to music club

Freen- Here this is the music club.Well I have to go to my class bye.

Becky-Thank you,bye.

(Freen left but thinking "wait I haven't ask her line id" what should I do I'm already little far from her.What should I do? ³)

Bec thinking the same (Should I ask her line Id?of course I can ask her we already talk. Ok relax Rebecca she said to herself and run to freen)

Becky-P freen..

Freen-Hmm?(in mind I can asked her line Id now)

Freen-.....(thinking now freen now.What if she reject? Just asked freen)
Both- Can I have your line Id?

Becky- Can you give me your line Id?P freen..

(And then they give each other line Id)

Freen- see you at lunch.I will wait you at cafeteria.
Becky-kha.(wait did she said to eat together) thinking that and Bec smile.

Becky still smiling and go into the music club.

Irin-bec,Why are you smiling?

Becky- Nothing, Where to sign to get into music club?


Freen pov after saying she will wait at cafeteria to Becky.

Freen- Wait, Did I just said her I will wait at cafeteria? (Dingdingdingding~~ alarm ring)
Ahh! I'm gonna be late.

Freen run to her class.

Arrived to her class.

Professor is standing in front of the class.Freen go slowly to her desk but

Professor-Freen Sarocha Chankinha.

Freen- (Startled)kha.

Professor- This is the first day and you late.
Be glad that I didn't start the lesson yet.

Freen- kha professor.

And freen sit next to Nam and Noey.

Nam-(whisper)freen where have you been?

Freen-I will tell you later.

Class end

Nam- Freen,you are not the kind of person who will late.Why you late?

heng come(Heng was at another desk)

Heng- Freen you looked like you ran into the class.

Freen- I send Becky to music club that's why I late.Oh my god I forget I have to go I told her I will wait at cafeteria.

And freen was about to run again but nam stop her.

Nam- Freen who is Becky?

Freen- I mean Rebecca .I don't have time see you after lunch bye.Wait do you guys want to come with me I will introduce you guys to her.

Heng- I already asked someone to eat with me bye.

Nam- I have to go to my boyfriend.



Freen- Are you sick or something?

Noey- no,umm a little I have to go somewhere too.

Freen-Ok bye.
And freen go to cafeteria.

Bec class has end too.

Irin-bec,are you going to cafeteria?

Becky- yeah.

Irin- I can't come with you right now. Don't go to cafeteria you will be alone.

Becky- Who said I'm alone.

Irin- Do you have friend in school already?

Becky-kind of..bye I have to go.

And Becky left.

Becky arrived to cafeteria first.(thinking) Did she forgot what she said?No, she's not.Maybe her class late.And Bec saw freen running to her.

Becky-P freen,why are you running?

Freen- Sorry, I'm late. I don't want you to wait for too long that's why I'm running.

Becky- You can late.Sit first you look really tired.

Freen- I'm okay.But can you sit here with me?

Becky- Why can't I?

Freen- It's just you are cele...

A girl- Rebecca kha Can I take a photo with you?

Becky- of course.

And Becky stand up to take a photo.In a few minutes many people are already around to Becky.

Some of fans take a photo by doing hand-heart things with becky and some girls are holding hand with becky.

Freen seeing that and upset but she doesn't notice that she upset like this.

And she saw one fanboy touch Becky hand.

Freen took becky hand and walked away from those people.

She doesn't know why she doing that but still walking and hold Becky hand.

And they stop when they are far from Becky's fans.

Becky- P freen...

Part 3 end

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