Imaginary Couple part 25(Family)

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Freen- MOM!
*Bec quickly moved to the side. Luckily, Freen's mother didn't look up yet.*

Freen's Mom- Freen,come help me move my luggages.

Freen- umm....Kha.
*They moved luggages and Freen's Mom sat down at sofa.*

Freen's Mom- Wait!
Freen- Hmm?
Freen's Mom- Aren't you twos supposed to be at school?
Freen- We we got up late.
Freen's Mom- I always told you to sleep early but you never listen to me.
Freen- But mom you said you will be back at Wednesday.
Freen's Mom- I didn't arrived there. I come back from the halfway. Why are you guys sweating? Becky,you look like you saw a ghost. What happened?
Becky -Umm umm... Nothing, I am just not fine. I am gonna go home now. Sawadeekha Mom.
Freen's Mom- Kid,wait. If you are not fine, rest at our house.
Becky- It's okay,mom. I have to go home. My mom called me.
Freen's Mom- Freen, send back nong to her house.
Freen- Kha,mom. Let's go becky.

*They got into the car and freen started driving.*
*A few minutes later they arrived to Bec's house but they are still in the car.*

Freen- Bec, are you okay?You look pale.
Becky- I am just startled.Do you think she saw us?
Freen- If she saw her she will asked us something. I think she didn't see us. But it's okay if she saw us. My mom love you.
Becky- Yes,she does but she loves me as your friend not as your girlfriend. What if she told you to break up with me when she found out. I don't want to break up with you.
Freen- *hold Bec's hand.* Don't worry we can keep this secret from them.

*Someone knocked on car window.*

Becky- Richie?
*They got out of the car.*

Becky- When did you arrive to Thailand?
Richie- Last night. I knew it was you in the car.
Becky- How?
Richie- This car has been parked for few minutes when I look at car window I saw you.
Becky- P Freen, this is my brother Richie. Richie this is Freen.
Freen- Sawadeekha,phi.
Richie- Sawadeekha.
Freen- I'm gonna go now.Bye bye na.
Becky- Text me when you arrive your house. Lov...*She was about to say rak na (love you).*
Becky- I didn't said anything. You must wrong heard that.P Freen I didn't said anything,right?
Freen- Yes,she didn't said anything. Bye bye.
*Freen got into the car and drove away.*

Richie- I really heard that you said something about rak.
Becky- You heard wrong. Let's go inside.

*Freen got back to her house.*

Freen- Mom, I'm back.
Freen's Mom- Freen,come sit here.
Freen- Kha,mom.Do You have something to ask me?
Freen's Mom- I just want to know you and...Becky...
Freen-Hmm?* Did she saw me and Becky this morning?.* You want to ask what?
Freen's Mom- I just want to ask that you and becky that was it okay to look after the house yesterday?
Freen-Ahh~~ Yes, everything fine. I am gonna go upstairs now. I still want to sleep.
Freen's Mom-

*Freen go upstairs and closed her room's door.*

Freen- Thanks god that she didn't saw. My heart was about to explode.

*In the evening at Bec's house.*

Richie- Bec, I have something to ask you.
Becky- What? Richie.
Richie- That girl I saw today. Does she has boyfriend?
Becky-No.* She only has me.*Why?
Richie- Can you help me get her?
Becky- WHAT!
Richie- Why you look like so upset? I am your brother. Please help me....
Becky- Richie, that will not happen.
Richie- Why?
Becky- I I don't know.*Bec stand up.*
Richie- Because she is your girlfriend,right?
Becky- Hmm!
Richie- Becky,you are my younger sister. I know you and I know "rak" meaning. When I said to help you to get her you will not angry if she is just your friend.And I heard you and that girl talking on the phone.This morning, I am not sure that you twos are dating but now I am sure. You can tell me. I will not tell you to break up with her.
Becky- .... Yes, she is my girlfriend.
Richie- You have good eyes. She is pretty and look like she cares for you. Thank you for telling me.
Becky- You don't want to hit her, right?
Richie- Of couse,I just want to make sure. Do you have plan to tell mom and dad?
Becky- I don't know. What if they ask me to break up with her?
Richie- You don't know about Mom and Dad?They always accept and support what you want to do.
Becky- I am gonna think for a moment.

Bec's Mom- Kids,can eat dinner in few minutes.

Richie - Let's go eat dinner,Bec.
*They sat down at the table. Richie and mom are talking but Becky can only think "Should I tell Mom about our relationship or not?"

Bec's Mom- Bec, what happened?You seem like thinking something. You can tell us na.
Becky- Mom...
Bec's Mom- What kid?
Becky- What if I said I am in a relationship right now?
Bec's Mom- Are you?
Becky- Just asking*Bec smile.*
Bec's Mom- Just asking?
Becky- Will you be okay if my lover is a girl?
Bec's Mom-..... As long as they make you smile.
Becky- Really?
Bec's mom - Of couse. I love who you love. So,can you tell me who is your girlfriend now?
Becky-..... P Freen.
Bec's Mom- Freen?
Becky- Kha.
Bec's mom- Now, I am more okay that your girlfriend is Freen. I can see you smile a lot when you are with her. Bec,thank you for telling me what you feel.
Becky- Mom~~*Bec stand up and hugged her mom.*Thank you for accepting.I love you.
Richie- Come,come I will join too.

*After dinner,Bec called freen.*

Becky- Hello...P freen. My mom tell me to ask you that can you come to eat dinner together tomorrow?
Freen- Ok, I will come.
Becky- Actually,my mom ask my girlfriend to eat dinner together.
Freen- You already told your family about us?
Becky-I haven't told my father yet. But I told mom and Richie.
Freen- Did they know I am your girlfriend?
Becky- Yes! They are happy that you are my girlfriend. My mom said she is glad that you are my girlfriend.
Freen- Really?
Becky- Omm...
Freen- I am sorry I can't tell my family yet. I don't know what will they react back.
Becky- It's okay. I understand.
Freen- Thank you na.
Becky- P Freen, I love you.
Becky- P Freen? Are you still on the phone?
Freen- Bec, wish me luck.
Becky- Hmm?
Freen- I don't want to keep secret about our relationship. I am gonna tell my mom now.
Becky- Is your mom will be okay?
Freen- She will. I love you.
*Freen hang up the phone and went downstairs.*

Freen- Mom, Can we talk?
Freen's Mom- Omm...come sit down.
Freen- Ummm....
Freen's Mom- What?
Freen- Mom kha, I have never told you this. I I like girls no I mean I like a girl.
Freen's Mom- Becky?
Freen-Hmm! did you know?
Freen's Mom- I saw you twos this morning. I was just waiting to tell you by yourself. Do you love her? Is Becky really love you too?
Freen- Kha,mom.
Freen's Mom- I don't understand much but I am happy that you both love each other. I will accept and love everything make you happy, thank you for telling me.
Freen- *hugged her mom.* Thank you,kha mom.

*A few months later.*

Nam- My 2nd year will end soon.
Freen- So?
Nam- Heng already got a boyfriend. Noey already got a girlfriend too. And you and Becky are couple now. Why am I the only single?
Freen- Who told you to break up with P Aof*Nam's ex boyfriend* Just get back with him.I think he still love me.
Nam-No! now I am waiting someone to confess me.
Freen- Who?
Heng- P mind.
Nam- Ai Heng!
Becky- P mind?
Freen- My sister?
Nam- Sorry friend but I think I like her.Could you please ask her that she like me or not?
Freen- Are you crazy!?
Becky- Calm down,P Freen.*Hold Freen's arm.*
Nam- Listen to your wife. Becky please tell freen to help me.
Becky- I will try.
Freen- Bec....

Someone- Khun Rebecca?
Becky- Kha?
Someone- My name is Chen. I am from Idol Factory. I have to discuss with you something.

Part 25 end.

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