Imaginary Couple part 7(I don't know)

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Nam- Freen FREEN!

Freen- What nam?Do I look like I want to talk?

Nam-calm down I am just gonna walk with you till you got home.

Freen and nam started walking

Nam doesn't know what's freen thinking but she started the conversation.

Nam- Freen I have something to tell you.
Freen- what?
Nam- Do you know why I can come with you today?
Freen- because you want to.
Nam- Yeah but there's more reason.I broke up with him.
Freen- Hmm!?*freen stopped walking*
Nam- I'm gonna tell you when we arrive to your house I don't want to talk about it while walking.
Nam grabbed freen hand and walked faster to get to Freen's house.

Arrived to Freen's house.

Freen- Nam, What's happened?I thought you guys are okay.

Nam- Yeah but I think we don't love each other anymore.

Freen- But you guys been dating for almost 2 years!

Nam- That's why I broke up with him. I don't want to wasted our time and youth.

Freen- Are you okay after breaking up with him.

Nam- Look at me, Do I look like not okay?
At first Who will be okay after breaking up but that can waste my time too. So I just move on and do everything what I want to do. But I'm not regret to met him.All the memories are good.

Freen- Thank you for telling me what you feel.

Nam- That's not a big deal.I am your best friend.But now is time for you to tell me what you feel.


Nam- Don't do hmm... I know you have a feeling for her.

Freen-No I don't have!

Nam- You don't have feeling for who?

Freen- Becky, Aren't you telling about her?

Nam- Freen I never said is Becky.


Nam- Are you sure you don't like Becky?

Freen- I.......I don't know*saying with low voice*

Nam- Freen remember that do what you like.If you do that you will not regret anything.But if you try to move on for things or person you like/love. You will regret something. Remember that I will always be here listening to you.You can tell me what you feel right now.

Freen- Nam I don't know .Only things I know is when she said that we are friends my heart is about to break.I always like that when someone called me friend but when Bec called me like that I hate that words. When she held my hand or hugged me I don't want to let go. I can't sleep if she didn't said goodnight to me. When I woke up all I could think about is her. I want to see her every day and I even hate weekend now.I ..... I .....

Nam- Freen freen It's okay don't cry.(wiping her tears)

Freen- I don't want to have a feeling like this. It's weird and today she said she has a crush I don't know why but I wish that I want to be the one she has a crush on.But that will not happened. What should I do??

Nam- Freen I think you love Becky.

Freen- I always love all of my friends.

Nam- Not a friend love.I mean you love her as more than a friend. I always know that you like girls even you didn't tell and I know you like Becky . I can know just seeing it but Bec doesn't know you have to tell her.I promise you will not regret.(in mind nam know Bec has a feeling for freen too Bec is jealous when that guy confess to freen nam can see)

Freen- I I can't I don't I don't even know I like her or not.

Nam- think like that if Bec dating someone right in front of you what will you feel?

Freen- .......I don't know but I don't like it.I don't want to see her with someone else.I always don't want to see her with someone else. That's normal right? You don't want to see me so closed with other friends right?

Nam- that's not the same......... Freen think slowly you will get answer someday.

Nam- don't say anything you always been blunt about your feeling.Just give yourself some time.

4 days past freen didn't come to school yet

Becky- P nam don't you heard anything from P freen?

Nam- sorry kid but she doesn't even text us.

Becky- Her house? Have you already go to her house?

Nam- She doesn't even talked with her mom.When I go she never open her bedroom door.

Heng- Didn't Freen's mom has a copy key? Why you guys don't go in?

Nam- Ai heng, we are just waiting for her.

Heng- waiting what? Just go in an..

Noey*closed Heng mouth* Heng you better don't talk. Nong surprise can you took this dude to his house.

Surprise- phi come,go home with me.Bye bye kha.


Noey- one problem solve.

Irin- Bec ,are you okay? You look really pale.
P freen will be okay she just rest at her house.

Nam- Yes,freen is resting. Bec she wil be okay soon.

Nam- Noey isn't your show today?

Noey- yeah I'm about to go. Let's go nong.
Irin- bye na Bec.

Nam- Bec if you worried about freen that much how about you go to her house and asked her by yourself.

Bec- Do you think Freen will come out to meet me?
Nam- Don't worry I have plan.

Part 7 end.

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