Imaginary Couple part 5(rain)

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Both freen and Becky waiting Bec's mom
Suddenly*thunder song*

Becky- Ahh!!

Freen- Are you scared to thunder song?*smile*(she smile because she taught Bec is cute)

Becky- A little bit.Don't laugh at me.

Freen- I'm not.

Becky- I saw you smile. isn't it?

Freen- yeah but that's not lau....

*Thunder song again*

Bec don't shout again but she step closer to freen.

Freen- Are you still scared?

Becky- A little

Freen hug Becky and said "How about this phi hug you still scared?"

In Becky mind there's no fear the only thing she can think about is Freen hug her.

Becky- I.. I'm okay now but can you still hug me?

Freen don't say anything and just hugging Becky.(in mind I'm still hugging her because she asked me to but why my heart beating fast and don't want to let go of her?)

Someone *click²*

They have been hugging for more than a minute. And they don't notice a white car has parked in front of them.

When Bec notice It's her mom.

Becky- MOM!!

Freen let go of Becky and

Freen- Sawadeekha auntie.

Bec's mom- It's raining how about both of you come in.

Freen- It's okay my house is near I can go there alone.

And freen was about to run to her house in rain

Becky-p freen wait we will send you back to your house.You will get sick If you run like that in rain.

Bec's mom- kid It's raining let me send you back to your house.

Freen- kha auntie.

And they both go into the car.

Bec's mom started the conversation

Bec's mom- So freen right? I heard Bec called you p freen.

Freen- kha auntie.

Bec's mom- Are You same year with Bec?

Freen- No, I'm in 2nd year .

Bec's mom- Where is your house?

Freen- Go straight and you will see 2 white house the second one is my house.

Bec's mom- Ok.

Freen whispered to Becky( She saw we hugged right what if she think wrong?)

Bec whispered to freen back( She won't in England hugging is kind of saying hello or bye)

Freen- Ah ok(in mind so our hug is just saying hello or bye?)*her smile disappear*

Becky- p freen what's wrong?

Freen- nothing.

Arrived to freen house and the rain has stopped

Freen- Thank you kha auntie. Bye Bye Becky see you at school.

Bec's mom- bye bye kid.
Becky-see you.

Freen go inside her house

Freen's Mom- Freen I was worried. There are raining and you haven't come back yet.So I called to opp and asked do you see freen or freen come to your house? I feel relieved when he said you are at your restaurant. But who send you back?

Freen- my friend mom.She comes to pick up my friend and send me back.

Freen's Mom- friend? who?

Freen- A new friend,she come from England.

Freen's Mom- Kid ,go shower you catch rain if you don't do you will get sick.

Freen- Ok kha,Mom.

Freen hug her mom  and she go up to her room.

After shower Freen open her line

To freen from Becky
Phi are you already sleep?

To Becky from freen
No, I'm not . I'm just finished shower. is raining again if you heard the thunder think about the things make you feel relax or listening music with headphone. That will help.

To freen from Becky
Ok kha,I don't know what make me relax before but now I know.Thank you I'm gonna sleep now because I want to see you fast . Goodnight naka.

To Becky from freen
Goodnight kha

*Freen's mind when they are sending messages* Did she said she's gonna sleep because she want to see me fast? And why am I smiling? I don't know what's she thinking right now but all I could think about is her and the hug but she said is just saying hello or goodbye)

*Becky's mind when they are sending messages* I always didn't like raining and thunder song but today I feel like I love raining.I still want to hear thunder song so she will hug me.She said think things make me relax did she know that I was thinking about her?)

Part 5 end.

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