Imaginary Couple part 12(BB)

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Freen- BB.

Becky-BB? What is that mean?
Freen- BB is becbec but I think no one gonna call you that.*in mind BB can be mean babe,baby and bebe*

Becky- Are you gonna call me BB for now on?

Freen- Yes but I will only call you when we are alone. I don't want anyone to call you like that.

Becky- That's just becbec isn't it?

Freen- Yeah but I want to be the only one who call you like that.*in mind I don't want other people to call you like that because is just not becbec*

Becky- Okay kha.

Freen- You don't need guide now. How about watch a movie.

Becky- I've downloaded Horror movie. Do you want to watch?

Freen- horror?
Becky- Are you scared?
Freen- No,of course not.

*Freen and Becky started watching horror movie. Becky notice freen closed her eyes for multiple times*

Becky- P freen,are you okay?
Freen- Of couse.

*Becky hold Freen's arm*and said I know you scared.

Becky- I'm gonna call you BB too.

Becky- just want to.*Becky's mind You mean bb is becbec but for me bb can be mean baby. You look like a baby when watching horror movie.*

Becky- How about change movie? I don't want to watch horror movie anymore.

Freen- Ok.

Becky-*in mind she looks so happy.p freen is so cute.*

*They watch romantic- comedy movie*

Freen- Bec , It's late now.Wanna sleep?

Becky- A little.

Freen- Let's sleep now. Bec you sleep at my bed.I will sleep at sofa.

Becky- No,you sleep at bed.

Freen- I'm ok to sleep at sofa.Sometimes when I was sitting on sofa I fell asleep.

Becky- No,you can't.

Freen- Are you gonna sleep or not? If you don't sleep on bed , I won't play with you anymore.

Becky- hmmm(sighed)

*At midnight Bec is not fully sleep. She heard freen calling her name in low voice*

Freen- BB are you sleep already?

Becky- hmmm! P freen what's happened? You look like you haven't sleep yet.

Freen- I really don't sleep yet. All the horror images come to my head .I can't sleep.

Becky- Come sleep beside me. You will not gonna think about that any more.

*Freen and Becky sleep beside each other*

*Freen is still not sleep yet. Becky hold Freen's hand and say goodnight. Now freen stopped thinking about ghost but she can't sleep yet because Bec is holding her hand*

*Freen's mind* can't sleep because of ghost will be better than this.Now my heart feel like gonna explode.*

*Becky mind* I don't know she is okay or not but I'm not really okay.Just thinking I am sleeping beside freen make my heart beat fast now we are holding hand. My heart gonna explode.*

*Freen know if she keep holding Bec's hand she won't be sleep tonight.So she let go of Bec's hand and go back to safa.Before she go to sofa she said

Freen- Goodnight my bb*saying with low voice*
*Freen though Bec is already sleep that's why she said my bb*

*Bec's mind*My???? Hearing that Becky can't stop smiling untill she sleep.

In the morning

*Freen wake up first.Last night Bec sleep too late because all she can think is Freen called her "my bb"*

Freen- Bec,becbec wake up.We have to go to school. BB kha,if you still sleep you will late for school.

*Bec woke up with the voice someone calling her bb*

Freen- Good morning kha .
Becky- Good morning kha,P freen.

Freen- Get up shower now. I already prepared clothes for you to wear today. When you finished shower come to kitchen,I will wait for you to eat breakfast together.

Becky- kha.

*20 minutes later*beck go downstairs

Freen- BB eat this sandwich.I made this for you.

Becky- You already eat?
Freen- Yes,I eat the spicy one.
Becky- By the way ,where is your mom?
Freen- Mom already go to her work.

*When they finished eating Bec was about to walk through the car*

Freen- Bec, where are you going?
Bec- School.

*Freen opened the car door for Becky*

Freen- get in. I'm gonna drive to school today.

Becky- You can drive?
Freen- I can drive since when I was 16.
Today you woke up late we have to go by car or we will be late.
Becky-Sorry for wok up late.
Freen-*smile* How long I have to hold car door for you?

*They both go into the car and go to school*

Arrived school

*Freen parked the car and opened car door for Bec.They both walked to their friends.All of their friends are looking at them and nam is smiling*

Freen- Why are you guys looking at us?
Becky whispered to Irin*what happened?*

Heng- You drive to school right?
Freen- hmm! How did you know?
Noey- go to school website if you want to know.

Irin- Don't need to serch .Look at my phone.

*There are photos of freen opened car door for Bec and Bec come out of the car*

*Caption* Freen is so gentle woman to her best (girl)friend oops.*just imagine*

Nam- Do you guys know you guys are ship couple now?

Part 12 end.

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