Imaginary Couple part 27(break up)

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*Next day at school.*

Irin-Bec, where is P Freen? Can you please ask her to guide me for exam?
Becky- Ask by yourself.
Irin- Did you guys fight?
Becky- Can I don't talk about that?
Irin- Ahh~~ Ok.
*They both silent for a few minutes and nam sat down at their table.*
Nam- Bec, where is Freen?She...
Irin- P Nam...
Nam- What?
Irin- I think they had fight.*Irin whispered to nam.*
Nam- Hmm?*Nam whispered back to Irin.*
Irin- Bec didn't talk about P Freen the whole morning. Can you ask P Freen?*Irin whispered to nam again.*
Nam- Freen didn't pick up my phone since yesterday. That's why I am asking Bec. Let me ask Bec.*Nam whispered to Irin.*
Nam- Bec..
Becky- What?*she shouted.*
Nam-Oh my god! heart was about to fall out. Did you two fight?
Becky- I already said I don't want to talk about P Freen.
Irin- P Nam,I told you so.

*They all silent again.*

Irin- P Nam...
Nam- Hmm?
Irin- P Freen is coming.Look!
Nam- I will call her. Freen! come here..*She shouted.*

*Freen saw nam calling her but she acted like she didn't saw and walked passed.*

Nam- Bec,just tell us. What happened?
Becky- We broke up,ok?
*The air around them is cold now.*
Nam- Irin, I am gonna go to Freen.*She whispered that and left.*
Irin- PNam! Don't leave me here alone!
Becky- What alone? Am I not human?
Irin- No, I don't mean like that. Calm down friend,you seem so upset.
Becky- *sight*
Irin- Uhh...Bec, aren't you two okay yesterday? What happened? Are you okay?
Becky- Yes, I'm okay.
*Text notification come in to Bec's phone.*
Becky- I am gonna go now. See you after class.

*Bec left and Irin called nam.*
Irin- P Nam, I thought I was about to died.
Nam- Me too, that's why I left.
Irin- Did you talk with P Freen?
Nam- No, I thought she went to class but she's not here. She still don't pick up my phone.
Irin- I am gonna go to class now,bye bye.
Nam- See you.

*After school.*

Irin- Bec, do you have plan?
Becky- Omm.... I am gonna go to Idol Factory.
Irin- Alone? I will come with you.
Becky- Aren't you already have plan with P Noey?
Irin- Yes,but I don't want you to go alone.
Becky- It's okay.I can go alone.
Noey- Irin, let's go.
Irin- Can we cancel our date today?
Noey- Why?
Irin- I don't want Becky to go alone to Idol Factory.
Noey- Don't worry Freen will sen..*Irin slapped Noey hand.*
Noey- What?
Irin- Nothing,just let's go.Bec, called me when you arrived.*Irin took noey's hand and left.*

Noey- Irin, what's wrong?
Irin- P Freen and Bec already broke up. Don't you know?
Noey- No, I was at the drama club the whole day. What happened?
Irin- I don't know too. I only know that they broke up.

*Bec arrived to Idol Factory.*

Chen- Are you already decided?
Becky- Yes, I will do the series.
Chen- Do you have lover?If you have is your lover okay or you break up with them? Are you already cleaned everything?
Becky-  Don't worry about that.
Chen- Ok, let's sign up now. This contract will be only for the series.If you want sign up with Idol Factory we will sign up again when the series end.
Becky- Kha.
Chen- Come again to meet with your co-star on Saturday morning.

*Becky left to her house.*

Becky-Mom, I am back. I contact with Idol Factory.
Mom- But why you look not happy that much?
Becky- I am but I'm just tired. I will move near to Idol Factory after I finish first year.
Mom- Are you gonna stay alone?
Becky-*smile*.... I'm gonna rest now.
Mom- Rest,kid.


Becky- Mom, I am gonna go to Idol Factory.
*Becky hugged her mom.*
Becky- Bye bye,kha.
Mom- Be safe.

*Arrived to Idol Factory.*

Chen- Rebecca,this is Nita. She will be your partner.
Becky- Sawadeekha,Khun Nita.
Nita- Sawadeena, you can call me P Nita.
Becky-Kha. My name is Becky.
Nita- I already serch about you. You are talented. Your name is pretty too, Rebecca.
Becky- Call me Becky,that will be okay.
Chen- Becky and Nita kha...You both have to do workshop for the series every Thursday and pilot trailer will shoot when Becky first year end.
Nita- Becky...
Nita- Let's talk to get close.
Becky- Kha.
Nita- Give me your line Id. So we can talk about work and other things.
Becky- Kha.
Nita- You are so polite. Are you shy?
Becky- No, I am just nervous.
Nita- It's okay. You will be fine. Let's be a good partner.
Becky- Kha.
*Text notification come in to Bec's phone.*
Becky- I am gonna go now.
Nita- Did you come alone? I will send you back.
Becky- It's okay.I can go alone.
*Bec left.*
Nita- That girl is interesting.*Smirk*

*A few months later.*

Irin- Exam is finally end.Bec, let's go hang out I need to recharge my brain.
Becky- I have to packed my things. I will join tomorrow.
*Bec left.*

Irin- P Nam, since Bec and P freen broke up Bec always go home after school. I don't see P Freen too.
Nam- Freen don't to talk to us that much too. She only talk about school.
Noey- Irin, don't worry too much. They will be fine.

*Bec arrived to her house.*

Becky- Mom, I will visit you when I get time.
Becky's Mom- You don't need to. you used to come home once a year before. Just take care. Don't work too much. Bec, remember that I am always proud of you.
Becky- Thank you kha.
*Bec and her mom hugged for a few seconds.*
Becky's Mom- Go now. Your driver is waiting for too long.
Becky-..... Kha,mom.

*Two year later.*

🗣️- The series is end a few months ago. The feedbacks are still good.How did you feel about that?
Nita- We are really glad and at first we don't expect that much. But thank you to all of our fans.
Becky- I am really happy about that. Thank you for all of your support. I don't call you fans I call you family. I am glad that I have you guys.
🗣️- Are you two have new series together or new project?
Nita- Actually I am not with Idol Factory anymore. There will be new projects but we will not be together anymore I think.
Becky- There will be new projects. I am not sure yet. Idol Factory will be announce soon.
Nita- Yes.
🗣️- Do you have something to say to each other?
Nita- Thank you for being my work partner. Your talent never go down. And I will still support you.
Becky- You are the good work partner for me. Thank you for always teaching me. I will still support everything you do. Relax at your trip.
Nita- Thank you kha.

*Finished interview*

Becky- Thank you kha everyone.
Nita-This is our last work together,right?
Becky- Let's meet when we have time.
Nita- Bye bye,kid. Finally I have time to go on trip.
Becky- Have a fun trip with your girlfriend.
Nita- I will.*smile*
*Text notification come into Bec's phone.*
Becky- Bye bye everyone.

*Bec left and a car parked in front of her. Becky got into the car.*

Becky- I really miss you today....P Freen.

Part 27 end.

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