Imaginary Couple part 2(Becky)

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Becky-Dad,Can I go back to Thailand? Please...

Bec's Dad- Dear, You already visit to Thailand 2months ago.Why you suddenly want to live at Thailand?

2months ago at Thailand flashback

Bec's Mom- Kid wait me here put your mask up don't let them remember you. I have to talk to your father.

Becky- yes,Mom.I know I can't let them remember me.

A few minutes later

Someone bumped into Becky.

Someone - I'm sorry.

Becky- It's okay.

That Someone look up at Becky,she didn't saw Becky face because Becky cover her face with mask and hat.

But Becky saw that someone she's really pretty and her..

Becky though (Should I ask her name or number?)

And someone called (Freen come we are gonna be late)

And Becky know that a girl in front of her is Freen.

Freen said again (I'm sorry) and left with her friends.

Since that day all Becky think about is  Freen all she can hear is (I'm sorry).

She still think about freen that's why she been telling her dad to live in Thailand.

Flashback end

Dad- Dear,Bec what are you thinking?

Becky- Nothing,I just want to stay at new place ,new friends Can I dad? Please...

Dad- If you really want to I'm not gonna say no.You can go but I can't come with you I have work here.Are you gonna stay alone or with your mom. If you want to stay alone I will buy a condo near your new school.And What school are you going to?

Becky- I will live with mom. For school I already think about it . Dad do you know the "S" uni.(beck remember what school uniform did freen wore).I will go to there.

Bec's Dad- When will you go?
Becky- In a few weeks, school will start soon.

Arrived to Thailand

Bec's Mom and Bec hug

Bec's Mom- Kid I've miss you.Why you suddenly want to go to school here?

Becky- I want to make new friends at Thailand too.

Bec's- Ok well, let's go home.

Becky- ok

Bec's Mom- Bec you are at Thailand now you have to say Thai more.

Becky- kha ,mom.

Arrived to home

A girl- My Rebecca...

Becky- Irin I've miss you.

Irin- Same,friend.Irin whispered to Bec(You have to explain me why you come to Thailand).

Bec's Mom- Kid your room is upstairs.

Then Irin and Bec  go up to Bec's room

Irin closed the door and said
Irin- Well tell me..

Bec- What?

Irin- reason why you come to Thailand and go to S uni?

Bec- There's no reason.

Irin- Don't lie to me.A few days ago you asking me all the uniform in Thailand and when I show you the S uniform you said thanks with a big smile.

Becky- I smile because I know that you are going to that school that's why I chose S uni.

Irin-That time I didn't even said that I will go to that school.We don't see each other that much but we're been friends for too long.I always said come to Thailand go to school with me you never come.But now?


Irin-No ummm, tell me the truth.

Becky- Nothing I just want to come.

Irin-Hm?really? Forgot about it,you have to spend your day with me today. School will open in 2 days.


School day

Irin and Bec arrived to school

Bec has been searching freen since she arrived the school.


Becky- hm? What? You scared me!

Irin- What are you searching?Since you arrived I only saw you watching everyone.

Becky- Nothing I'm just trying to remember everyone.

Irin-What club are you going to? I'm going to music club.

Becky- I did't think about it yet...maybe music club I like to sing.

Irin- ok let's go.

Someone- Dude where are you going?

Becky look at the person who yell that
Bec mind(That's freen)

Bec- Irin you go first I will come later.

Irin- How are you gonna find the music club?

Bec- I will think.

Than Bec go near to freen Bec was about to say hi but freen standup first and Bec head hit with freen back.

Becky- Ah!!

Part 2 end

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