Imaginary Couple part 11(sleepover)

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Becky- P freen,Can I sleep at your place today?
Becky- Mom said she will be at her work for two days.She will not be home. I don't want to stay alone. Can I sleep at your place please?

Freen- Of couse you can but...
Becky- Don't say but, let's go to your house.
Freen- You said you will study.
Becky - I can study at your place.
Freen- Ahh~~ You can study at my place too. I forgot about that.

Arrived to Freen's house

Freen- Mom, I'm back home.
Freen's mom come out of the room.

Becky- Sawadeekha.
Freen's mom - Sawadeekha kid.
Freen- Mom, this is Becky she is my friend from school. She's gonna be sleep here today.
Freen's Mom- Ahh~~ Ok . Becky kid you can stay comfortably. All of Freen's friends are all my kids too.
Becky- Thank you kha,Mrs-Chankimha.
Freen's Mom- You can call me Mom.All of Freen's friends call me mom.
Becky- Kha ,Mom.
Freen- Let's go Becky,my room is upstairs.

Freen's Mom- When you both finished shower.Come eat dinner, both of you.

Freen- kha ,mom.

They arrived to Freen's room.

*Freen opened her closet and give her clothes to Becky*
Freen- Becky when you finished shower wear this. I will shower first.

Freen go to bathroom.

Becky is now alone at Freen's room.

*She's just sitting on the freen's bed for few minutes. Becky stand up and looking at the freen's photos when freen was a baby. There are 3 photos of freen as a baby on wall.*

Becky- She is pretty since she was young.
Why is she so pretty and cute at the same time.*Bec is still looking at the photos*

*Door opened*
Freen- Bec,why are you smiling?
Bec- Nothing.*Bec turned around*
Bec-P freen is more pretty with wet hair and face.*She is just thinking but she doesn't notice she said it out loud*
Freen- Hmm!
Bec- hmm!
Freen- What did you said just now?
Bec- Nothing.I I will go to shower now.

*Freen's mind*( Why is she saying so many compliments? I was just trying to ignore that she hold my hand and now compliment Ahhh!!*

*Bec is in bathroom now*
Bec looking herself in the mirror
Becky- Becky don't blush please.If you keep  blushing like this how will you stay closed to freen. But P freen is so pretty just looking her made me nervous.OMG!!

*Bec finished shower but she forgot the clothes on bed*

Becky- Why did I forgot that too? P freen kha,P freen are you there? I think she's not in the room now.

*Bec just wear bath towels and go outside thankfully freen is not in the room.*

*Door opened*
Freen-becky, are you finished shower?* Freen is looking down so she didn't saw Bec.*

*Bec closed Freen's eyes with her hand immediately before freen looked up.*

Freen- bec, what's wrong?
Becky- Phi, closed your eyes I haven't wear my clothes yet.
Freen-HMM!*saying with shocked voice*
Freen- I'm sorry . I'm sorry. I will closed my eyes.I didn't saw anything.

*Bec removed her hand Freen's eyes are still closed. Bec go into the bathroom with her clothes.*

*bathroom door closed*

Freen- Bec,can I open now?bec,Becky?
*Freen slowly opened her eyes and she didn't saw anyone*

*Bec come out of the bathroom*

*Freen looking to Bec with don't even blink for a few seconds*(in Freen's mind she's look more pretty after shower)

Becky- P freen,P Freen!
Freen- hmm?
Becky- Are you thinking something? You just looking at me and don't say anything.
Freen- No, I mean yes I was thinking about the..... next exam.


Freen- let's go eat dinner.
Becky- kha.

They both go down.

Freen's Mom- Can eat dinner in few minutes.

A few minutes later.

All of them eat together

*Freen's mom was about to give sone food to Becky.*

Freen- Mom,stop.
Freen's Mom- I'm just gonna give curry to Becky. Don't jealous like this,I will give to you too.
Freen- Not like that,mom. Becky can't eat spicy food.*saying that freen feed salad to Becky*

*Freen's mom seem confused because freen never feed her friends before.*

Freen's Mom- So,Becky are you same year with freen?

Becky- No, I'm 1st year.
Freen's mom- Oh, that's why freen treat you like a kid. Do you know freen never feed her friends before I was confused.
Becky- Really?*smile*
Freen- Mom!

*They still talk for awhile when finished dinner*

Freen- Bec, I'm gonna guide you now.*saying that she grab Bec's hand and go upstairs*

In Freen's room
Freen- Bec,what subject you don't understand?
Becky-Ummm.... Math I think.
*Freen write down some math question*
Freen- Try solve this. I will give you 20 minutes.

20 minutes have passed.

*When freen look the math problem back solve, Most of them are correct only 2 has a mistakes.*

Freen- You passed your exam isn't it?
Becky- ......
Freen- Do you know that I also put 2nd year math?You only get a 2 mistakes. I put 4 but you get 2 of them right. You know math well.

Becky- I I passed my exam with "A" .

freen- So why you asked to guide you?

Becky-I want to spend time with you.

Freen- Bec, next time you can just asked me to hang out with you.

Becky- Are you gonna hangout with me anytime I asked?

Freen- There's one condition.
Becky- What?
Freen- Now, everyone at the school called you Becky. I don't want to call you like every one.
Becky- How are you gonna call me?

Freen- BB.

Part 11 end.

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