Imaginary Couple Part 28(Flashback)

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Freen- Bec...
*Bec turned to freen.*
Freen- Let's break up.
Becky- Don't joke like that.
Freen- I'm not.
Becky- What are you saying? Aren't we okay?*Bec voice is shaking while she said that.*
Freen- I heard you and that guy from Idol Factory talking....
Becky- No, i won't break up with you. I will not do that series. Let's not break up..
Freen- Bec,look at me. You have to do that series.Is your dream and
Becky- I already said my dream is to stay beside you forever.
Freen- You will.
Becky -Hmm? I don't understand.
Freen- Do that series and make everyone believe we are break up. I can understand and I can keep our relationship secret. If everyone think we broke up you can follow your dream.
Becky- No, you won't okay. I know you will not love when I am with someone else. I don't want to be away from you.What if you don't love me anymore because of I being close to someone else?
Freen- Don't you believe me? I love you and that will not change. I want to support your dream. I will beside you every day.
Becky- ....
Freen- Do that series and tell our friends that we break up. I am enough with just knowing you love me.
*Freen wiped Bec's tears.*

*Next day at school.*

Nam- Freen!come here.
Freen's mind- *How can I give breakfast to Bec when they are there. Forget about it I am gonna text to Bec later.*
*Freen walked to car parking.*

Nam- Bec,just tell us. What happened?
Becky- We broke up,ok?
*The air around them is cold now.*
Nam- Irin, I am gonna go to Freen.*She whispered that and left.*
Irin- PNam! Don't leave me here alone!
Becky- What alone? Am I not human?
Irin- No, I don't mean like that. Calm down friend,you seem so upset.
Becky- *sight*
Irin- Uhh...Bec, aren't you two okay yesterday? What happened? Are you okay?
Becky- Yes, I'm okay.
*Text notification come in to Bec's phone.*
*To Bec from freen.
Freen-Bec,come to car parking*
Becky- I am gonna go now. See you after class.

*Bec left to car parking.*

Becky- P Freen, why did you call me?
Freen- Here.*give milk tea and toast she made.* I came to give you this but Nam and Irin are there.
Becky -*smile* Thank you kha.
Freen- Go to your class now.
Becky- Kha.*Bec give a light kiss to Freen.*
Freen- Bec! What if someone saw us?
Becky- Don't worry no one here. See you after class.
Freen- Come to the car parking when I sent a message to you.
Becky- Ok,kha.
*Bec left.*

*After school.*

Irin- Bec, do you have plan?
Becky- Omm.... I am gonna go to Idol Factory.
Irin- Alone? I will come with you.
Becky- Aren't you already have plan with P Noey?
Irin- Yes,but I don't want you to go alone.
Becky- It's okay.I can go alone. * P Freen will send me.*
Noey- Irin, let's go.
Irin- Can we cancel our date today?
Noey- Why?
Irin- I don't want Becky to go alone to Idol Factory.
Noey- Don't worry Freen will sen..*Irin slapped Noey hand.*
Noey- What?
Irin- Nothing,just let's go.Bec, called me when you arrived.*Irin took noey's hand and left.*

Becky- They really believe that me and P Freen broke up. But Irin how did you not know. I am not even crying.
*Text message come into Bec's phone.*
Freen-You can come now.

*A few minutes later Bec arrived to car parking and got into Freen's car.*

Freen- Are you gonna go home?
Becky- P Freen, send me to Idol Factory.
Freen- Hmm? What if they saw?
Becky- You can just wait me at car parking.
Freen- Ok.

*They arrived to Idol Factory.*

Becky- I am gonna come down in a moment.

*A few minutes later.*

Becky- P Freen, I have to meet with Khun Nita this Saturday.
Freen- So?
Becky- Can you pick me up this Saturday?
Freen- Of couse,I will. I will be your personal drive forever.
Becky- P Freen, I plan to move into new condo after I finish first year.
Freen- Why?
Becky- To close to my work place and I want to stay with you.
Becky- When I start working we can't see each other that much. I want to stay together with you so we can see each other every day. Will you stay with me?
Freen- Ok kha. Let's go home now.

*Freen and Bec arrived to Bec's house.*

Becky- Bye bye na ka.
Freen- Bye bye, see you tomorrow.

*Bec go into her house.*
Becky-Mom, I am back. I contact with Idol Factory.
Mom- But why you look not happy that much?
Becky- I am but I'm just tired. I will move near to Idol Factory after I finish first year.
Mom- Are you gonna stay alone?
Becky-*smile*No, P Freen will stay with me.I'm gonna rest now.
Mom- Rest,kid.


Becky- Mom, I am gonna go to Idol Factory.
*Becky hugged her mom.*
Becky- Bye bye,kha.
Mom- Be safe. Freen drive safely.
Freen- Kha,Mom.
Becky- Let's go P Freen.

*Arrived to Idol Factory.*

Becky- I will be come down in a few minutes.
Freen- Ok kha. Khun BB.

*15 minutes later.*
Freen- Why is Becky not come back yet? Should I message her? No,I can't what if they saw my message on Bec's phone.

*5 minutes later.*
Freen- I don't know anymore. Gonna sent message to her.
*To Becky from Freen*
Freen-Bec,are you not coming down yet?
*To Freen from Becky.*
Becky- I am coming now.

*A few minutes later.*

Becky- Sorry,I am talking with Nita.
Freen- Your partner?
Becky- Omm...
Freen- What did you two talking about?
Becky- P Freen... You said you are okay isn't it?
Freen-I am okay. I am just asking.
Becky- She asked my line id and she asked me can she send me back to my house. That's it.
Freen- Ahh~~
Becky- Look,you don't even like I give line id to her.
Freen- I didn't said anything.
Becky- I can see it on your face.
Freen- I will try to hide that.
Freen- Let's go to our new condo.
Becky- But we haven't decorate anything yet.
Freen It's okay. I just want to go see our home and let's decorate together.
Becky- Ok kha.

*They arrived to condo and they placed some some small furniture together.*

Becky- P Freen..
Becky- I am sorry that we have to keep our relationship secret.
*Freen walked to Becky and hugged her.*
Freen- Don't feel sorry about that. I already said I am okay. And look we will stay together in a few months. I am enough with this.

*A few months later.*

Irin- Exam is finally end.Bec, let's go hang out I need to recharge my brain.
Becky- I have to packed my things. I will join tomorrow.

*Bec left to car parking.*

*Freen opened car door for Becky and they both get in the car.*

Freen- Did you do well in exam?
Becky- Of couse,my guide is really good at teaching. How about you?
Freen- Don't you know your guide is really good at studying too?
Becky- Ahh~~ I forgot about that.
Freen- Let's go pack your things.

*They arrived to bec's house.*

Becky- Mom, I will visit you when I get time.
Becky's Mom- You don't need to. you used to come home once a year before. Just take care. Don't work too much. Bec, remember that I am always proud of you.
Becky- Thank you kha.
*Bec and her mom hugged for a few seconds.*
Becky's Mom- Go now. Your driver is waiting for too long.
Becky- My girlfriend kha,mom.
Mom- Take care of each other.
Freen- I will. Thank you for trusting me.
Bec's Mom-*smile*

*They both get into the car.*

Freen- Let's go to our home.

*They arrived to their house.*

Freen- Bec, I have something to give you.
Becky- What?
*Freen held bec's hand and put bracelet on her hand wrist.*
Freen- A gift for started living together. I have one too.*freen show her hand wrist.*
Becky- P Freen..
Freen- Hmm?
Becky- I love you.
Freen-*smile* I love you so much,too.
*Their eyes met and Becky kissed Freen.*

*Two year later.*

Becky- Thank you kha everyone.
Nita-This is our last work together,right?
Becky- Let's meet when we have time.
Nita- Bye bye,kid. Finally I have time to go on trip.
Becky- Have a fun trip with your girlfriend.
Nita- I will.*smile*
*Text notification come into Bec's phone.*
Becky- Bye bye everyone.

*Bec left and a car parked in front of her. Becky got into the car.*

Becky- I really miss you today....P Freen.
Freen- Me too.

Part 28 end.

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