Imaginary Couple part 13(ship couple)

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Nam- Do you guys know you guys are ship couple now?

Freen- So,we have to go to professor "A" again?

Nam- Not like that. This time is not same with Tina's rumors.

Becky- I don't get it....

Noey- Ok listen to me. The first time is Tina spreading rumors.But this time they are just shipping. Same like shipping  actor couple. Only thing different is you are not actors.This time is just imagining. Like when some people shipped Heng and freen.

Irin- no problem,right?

Noey- Not at all.

Nam- Well nong Bec and nong Irin go to your classes now bye.*wink to Irin*

Irin- ok kha phi*smirk*

*Freen and Becky are both confused and Irin drag Becky to go somewhere*

*When Becky and Irin left nam immediately sit beside freen and Heng and noey keep looking at freen*

Freen- WHAT!?

Heng- So....

Nam - Ai heng just go to question straight.

Heng- I was gonna...

Nam- Freen, you and Becky dating now?

Freen-Hmmm! no!

Nam- But you like her isn't is?

Freen- Nammm*saying with long voice*

Nam- Don't call my name like that. Heng and noey already know you like her.

Freen- Did you tell them?

Noey- Freen, you are so obvious.

Heng- I don't know about Becky but freen we have been friends for too long we know you are not like this on all your friends.

Freen- Do I really obvious like that?

Nam- Just for us,I think.

Freen- Do you guys think other people will know too?

Heng-  I think they don't know.
Nam- I think they are just imagining.
Noey- Yeah,how will they know your feeling? We are best friends but we only know you like her.We don't even know all of your feeling.
Nam- Do you have plan to confess her?

Freen- No, I don't want to break what we have. This is enough for me........... I will go to class now. Don't you guys have class?

Nam- yeah but you go first.
Freen- bye.

*Freen left*

Noey- Who will gonna tell her that Bec like her too?
Heng- I am dying want to tell.
Nam- Relax dude,we are just waiting for them to tell each other on their own.
Noey- Don't you know freen? If we keep don't doing anything like now they will not be girlfriends anymore.
Nam- I know but
Heng- Can't we just tell them?
Nam- Ai heng, you have to do something too.
Heng- what?
Noey- You know what nam want to tell. Let's go nam that kid is coming.
Heng- that kid? Who?
Nam- Look at your back.And good luck buddy.

Heng- surprise!!
Surprise- P Heng, P nam said you have to tell me something.

*Back to Becky and Irin*

Becky- Irin,why you dragging me?
Irin- Bec,tell me the truth.
Becky- What truth?
Becky- What?
Irin- You know what I'm asking.
Becky- I really don't know.
Irin- You like p freen, right?
Becky- Huh?
Irin- Don't do "huh". I know you like her.
Becky- I I think you are right.
Irin- Oh my god!! really? Oh god thank you my guess is right.
Becky- guess? I thought you know.
Irin- Yeah but I only sure for 90%
Becky- You lie to me.
Irin- Forget about that.You have to tell me everything.
Becky- What? I have nothing to tell. Just go to the class.
Irin- You have to tell me after school.
Becky- I don't have anyth.....
Irin- I'm not listening ,bye. See you after class.

After school.

Nam- Freen I will come with you to your house today. Heng,Noey come with me?

Noey- I'm free .I can come.
Heng- I don't come with you guys today. I want to go home.bye.

*Heng left*
Nam- What's happened to heng?
Noey- Maybe he get rejected by that kid.
Freen- Heng already confess to surprise?
Nam- We don't know we just thinking. Well let's go to your house freen.
Freen- Wait,did I said I will go with you guys?
Nam- You can't said no but if you already planned to be with Becky we will think about to not to go to your house.

*Freen thinking. If I don't said I will not be with Becky,they will come with me and asked about everything.*

Freen- Actually I am gonna be with Bec today. I already said I will wait her.

Nam- ohh.... Really? So let's go wait Becky in front of her class.
Noey- That's will be good.

*Freen's mind. I'm gonna die now*

Freen- Ahhh... We can't... What if some students though we are dating?

Nam- Me and noey will be with you too.
Noey- That's just friends waiting right?

*Nam grab freen's hand wrist and started going to Bec*

*They arrived to Bec's class*
*Bec's class end*

Girl 1 - Hey,look freen is here.
Girl 2- Maybe she is waiting Bec.
Girl 1- her gf?
Girl 3- best friend?girl friend?
*Some people are smiling while looking at freen*

Irin- P freen?
Bec- P freen,why are you here?
Freen- Did you forget that we planned to meet?*wink at Bec*
Bec- Ahh?
Freen- Bec......
Bec- Ahh~~ I remember now.Yeah P freen said she will send me back.*Bec thinking .Now I don't have to answer irin's question*

*Freen hold Becky hand and left*

Nam- They are really bat at lying isn't it?
Noey- yeah....
Irin- I think they are afraid to answer our questions.
Nam- Yes,they are. Do you guys have plans?
Noey- babe,I will send back to your house.
Irin- kha.
Nam- huh?what? What?
Noey- Sorry bud I have plan.

*Noey and Irin left*

Nam- Wowwww.... Now I'm alone. Only time I regret that I broke up is now.

*Nam phone rings*
Nam- kha P mind.Yes I'm alone......really?
Are you gonna pick me up?......Thank you kha. *Now I'm not regret I broke up*

Beck and freen arrived to Freen's car*

Freen- I'm sorry that I tell them we have planned to hang out. If I don't I have to be with them all day.

Becky- It's okay.*Bec's mind I have to thank you to you.If you don't come out Irin will be asking me many things.*

Freen- Do you and Irin have appointments to hang out?

Becky- No, I don't have any appointments.

Freen- I will send you back to your house.

Becky- My mom will not be home today too. Can I stay at your place again?

Part 13 end.

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