Imaginary Couple part 14(sleepover again)

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Becky- My mom will not be home today too. Can I stay at your place again?

Freen- Of couse you can.*freen opened car door for Bec*

*In the car*

Becky- You said you can drive since 16. Don't you get into trouble for driving underage?

Freen- I can drive since 16 but first time driving in public is when I was 18. So, I'd never get in trouble for driving underage.But when the second time I drove I crash into the wall.

Becky- Did you get hurt?

Freen- No, it's just a small accident.Only my car light broke.

Becky- Glad that you don't get hurt.

*They arrived Freen's house*

Freen's Mom- Becky ,are you gonna sleep here today too?

Becky- Kha,mom.

Freen- Mom, are you gonna do dumplings?

Freen's Mom- How did you know?

Freen- I saw flour on your clothes.

Freen's Mom- Becky,do you like dumplings?

Becky- Yes,I like dumplings.Can I help you do that?

Freen's Mom- Rest first. If you want to help me ,come down after one or two hour but now rest first and shower.

Freen- We will come after shower.

*Freen and Becky went to upstairs and freen showered first.*
*After freen showered*

Freen- Bec......*Becky is sleeping because she didn't get enough rest yesterday*

*Freen walked to Becky and look at Becky face for few minutes.*

*Freen thinking*(I know Becky is pretty but why is she still pretty when sleeping? Can a person be perfect like this?)

*Freen still looking to Becky she doesn't know how much times have passed. Only thing she knows is she could keep looking like this to Becky.*

*Bec wake up,Freen was startled when she saw bec's eyes open, so she got up quickly because freen thought becky saw that freen was looking Bec's sleeping*

Becky- P freen ,Why didn't you wake me up?

Freen- Nothing.... I was gonna do that but you woke up first......Umm you can shower now I'm gonna go help mom.Come down when you finish.

*Freen get out of the room and close the door*

*Freen's mind* Oh god! She was about to saw that I looking at her.Then she going into kitchen.

Freen- Mom, what can I help?
Freen's Mom- Wash your hand first and fill your dumplings with meat and shape it like I shape.
Freen- kha,mom.
Freen's Mom- Where is Becky?
Freen- I think she's gonna shower now. She was fall asleep.
Freen's Mom- Becky is like a kid take care her well.
Freen- I will always take care of her.*saying that in low voice*
Freen's Mom- huh?
Freen- Nothing,I will.

*A few minutes later and Bec come down to help doing dumplings*

Becky- Can I help something?

Freen's mom- don't need to make dumplings anymore, all that's left is to boil the dumplings.

Becky - I fall asleep that's why I come down late*smile awkwardly* I'm sorry that I came down late.

Freen's Mom- Don't need to say sorry.Dumplings can eat in a few minutes.

Freen- Mom , we will walked outside for few minutes.

Freen's Mom- Don't go too far.

Freen- kha,mom.

*Freen and Becky started walking together*

Becky- P freen, what if your mom doesn't like me?

Becky- I said I will help but I fall asleep and I come down late.
Freen- My mom like all of my friends. She was saying me to take care of you when we are doing dumplings.She said to me that "Becky is like a kid take care her well".
Becky- What did you said back?
Freen- I said "kha"*freen said she will take care Becky always*

*They still walking and they are at flowers park now.They are just walking but Becky startled because someone splashed water on her*

Becky- ahh!!
Freen-Bec,are you okay?
Becky- It's okay I'm just startled.
Freen- It's not okay your hair and clothes are wet now. YOU! DON'T YOU HAVE EYES?

Someone- I'm sorry! I am really sorry. I am just watering the plants. I didn't saw you two.

Becky- P freen, I'm okay he just didn't saw. Let's go home.
Someone- I'm really sorry*he give her coat to Becky* your clothes are wet cover up wit......
*Freen took off her coat and covered up Bec.*
Freen- She doesn't need your coat,Let's go.
Becky- Thank you for your coat but I don't need that.
*Freen hold Becky's hand and left*

*They arrived to Freen's house*

Freen's Mom-Freen, what happened?Why is Becky clothes are wet?

*Becky told Freen's mom what happened because freen look like she doesn't want to talk about it*

Becky- We will go up now .Mom, eat first.

*Bec showered again .When she finished  and she look to freen she saw freen looks upset*

Becky- P Freen what's wrong? Are you mad at that boy? He didn't mean to do that and he said sorry. I know you are worried about me but I'm okay.

* Freen doesn't said anything*

*Freen thinking*I was already mad when he splashed water on you .And then he was gonna give you his clothes but you don't even reject and said thank you that made me so mad.

Becky- P freen kha.
Freen- What?
Becky-Can you dry my hair for me? I want you to do that for me.Can you?

*In Freen's mind* You said thank you to him.Just asked him to dry your hair.

Freen-Ok ,I will.

*After finished dry Bec's hair*
Becky- P freen,Can you always pick me up to go school and go home?
Freen- Are you asking or demanding?
Becky- Both.
Freen- I can do if you want me to.
Becky- I want you to pick me up everyday.

*They eat dumplings together and sleep*

The next day lunch time

*Heng,nam,freen,Noey,Irin and Becky are sitting together at school cafeteria*

Someone- Freen and Rebecca kha, can you guys help me something?

Freen- You have to say something first.If we can we will help.

Someone- Actually I am from drama club. This month I have to do short film. Can you guys helped me by act as couple in my film?

Part 14 end.

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