Imaginary Couple part 29(Final)

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Freen- Sorry , I am late today. Nam dragged me to drama club.
Becky- These days P Nam called you so many times.
Freen- um, I don't know what happened to her but she make me meet many people. Forget about it, let's go home.

*They arrived to their house.*

Becky- Hello,Irin.
Irin- Hello?
Becky- I want to ask something.
Becky- Why is P Nam introducing P Freen to many people?
Irin- How did you know?
Becky- I just know. Do you the reason?
Irin- Why dou you want to know?
Becky- Please tell me.
Irin-Ok, P Nam is searching someone for Freen.
Becky- Why?
Irin- Because P Freen gate keeping everyone after you twos break up.
Becky- Thank you na.
Irin- Wait, You should move on too.
Becky- Bye bye.
Irin- Don't you hear me? You should move on too.

*Bec hang up the phone.*

Becky- If I keep hiding our relationship, they will make P Freen meet someone new. What should I do? What should I do? I know P Freen only love me but I don't want someone flirt with her.

*Freen came out of the bathroom.*

Freen- Bec, what are you doing?
Becky- Nothing... I'm gonna shower now.

*Bec went into the bathroom.*

Becky- Bec, your company didn't accept you to be in a relationship. What can you do?

*Bec think for a few minutes and called her boss.*

Becky- Hello kha,boss.
Boss- What's up Bec?
Becky- Do you remember I told you that I want my first partner to become my partner?
Boss- Yes,why?
Becky- Could you please think about that again?
Boss- I already said can't.
Becky- Please watch her acting in our film again. Now, I don't have partner. When we were partner many people at school though we look cute together. She is really good at acting too and she is really pretty. Can you please think again?
Boss- Ok, I will think.
Becky- Thank you kha.

*A few minutes later Bec came out of the bathroom and sat down on the bed.*

Becky- P Freen..
Becky- You didn't even pay attention to me since we got home. Now you don't even look back to answer, you just playing with your phone.

*Freen truned around to Bec.*

Becky-Who are you texting with?
Freen- I am just reading comments and looking your fans tweets. Some fans are sad that you will not be paired with Nita anymore.
Becky- Are you sad while reading that?
Freen- No, not like that but they are shippers you know. What if they don't support you because you are not with Nita anymore.
Becky- If they really love me,they will be support me every day. And most of our fans stopped shipping us since P Nita announced that she has girlfriend .You don't have to worry about that. They love me for who I am. Don't look at your phone anymore.
*Bec lay down on the bed.,
Freen- Ok kha. You don't eat nothing yet right? What do you want to eat?
*Freen stand up and walked to kitchen.*
Becky - P Freen.
Becky- I am working the whole day but you don't even hugged me since we got home.*pouted.*
*As Freen ran to becky and hugged her.*
Freen- Sorry, I will hug you now.
Becky- You hugged me because I told you?
Freen- No, I hugged you because I want to.
*Freen kissed Bec's cheeks for multiple time.*
Becky- You can let go of me now.
Freen- I still want to stay like this.
*Freen lay down on Bec for a few minutes.*

*Phone rings.*

Becky- P Freen, I'm gonna pick up the phone.

*Bec get up and went to balcony.*

Becky- Hello kha,boss.
Boss- I already think about it. If she is okay to be your partner we can discuss about that.
Becky- You accept?
Boss- omm.. Bec don't forget about that I don't accept because you asked me since last year. I only think because of that.I accept this because I think she is really good and you twos look cute together.
Becky- Thank you kha,boss.
Boss- Goodnight.
Becky- Goodnight kha,boss.

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