Part 2 Chapter 4

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Garrick Yarrow's 5th birthday.

Today was the 5th birthday of Garrick Yarrow. Garrick had to wake up early in the morning because he had to go to the magic tower in the Yarrow countdom's capital, Listern. Although Listern was only a few kilometers away from the castle where Garrick Yarrow lived, they had to leave quite early because the coming-of-age ceremony would be held at 09:00.

After Garrick put on his best clothes with Fiona's help, he headed to the family dining room. There he was awaited by his parents and his two brothers. One of his uncles, Viscount Yates, also arrived with his wife.

"Happy birthday, son." Count Harold said.

"Happy birthday, my son!" Countess Agatha, Garrick's mother said as she kissed Garrick on both cheeks and hugged him.

"Thank you, mom and dad." Garrick said after Countess Agatha let go of his hug.

Garrick's two brothers also took turns wishing Garrick a happy birthday, as did Viscount Yates and his wife. After that, they all sat at the dining table and had breakfast. All the dishes on the table were foods that Garrick really liked. This was because today was a special day for Garrick, so only the food he liked was served at the table. They all ate while talking about the coming-of-age event that would be held at the magic tower of Listern City. Even his two sisters were betting on Garrick's magic affinity. His older sister, Donna, bet that his magic affinity was fire, while his older brother, Wilfred, bet that Garrick's magic affinity was wood.

Currently, his sister, Donna, is 13 years old, and has almost reached the 3rd magic circle. Maybe within this year or early next year, Donna will be able to reach the 3rd circle. What a genius in the area of magic! Meanwhile, his older brother Wilfred, who is 10 years old, has only reached the magic 1st circle but is already quite advanced, so hopefully in 1 or 2 years, he will reach the 2nd circle. What a great achievement for the Yarrow family! When his two older siblings become adults, they will most likely have reached a high enough magic rank that the family's power will be very strong.

After finishing eating, they immediately hurried to start the journey to the magic tower. They went to the magic tower using a horse-drawn carriage, escorted by a number of guards and soldiers on horseback. The count's family used a luxurious carriage, as did Viscount Yetes. A much simpler carriage was used to transport the servants and the items to be taken to the magic tower. It was customary that at the coming-of-age ceremony, the birthday family would distribute gifts to everyone in the magic tower. Since the Yarrow family was the number one in the Yarrow countdom, of course many gifts had to be brought.


The Listern Magic Tower

When the Yarrow family arrived at the Listern city magic tower, they were greeted by the leader of the magic tower, mage Klaus. Klaus is a 4th circle mage, one of the strongest in the Kingdom of Solace. In addition, mage Klaus is also the mage who knows the most about magic, so the Listrn Magic Tower is known as one of the best institutions for learning magic in the Kingdom of Solace.

"Welcome mage Harold and mage Agatha to Listern Magic Tower." Mage Klaus said while greeting the parents of Garick. Not forgetting, he also welcomed and greeted Viscount Yates. Mage Klaus referred to Garrick's parents as mages because both of Garrick's parents were mages.

"Thank you for permitting us to hold the coming-of-age ceremony of our son, Garrick." Count Harold said.

"We're happy to help, mage Harold" said mage Klaus as he invited everyone to enter the magic tower and head towards the ceremony site.

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