Part 2 Chapter 5

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2 weeks later.

Garrick had finished taking care of all the administrative matters that came with having employees and assets. Unlike other kids his age, who spent a lot of money on useless things just to play, Garrick didn't waste his money on toys or luxury items. As a result, the money he was given was still intact, and he had money left over from his monthly allowance after deducting the salaries of his employees.

Garrick eventually told Radin to find a large and fertile farm to plant crops that would provide additional income to Garrick. Radin suggested that Garrick buy a vineyard and a winery, as wine and liquor were quite expensive and could generate considerable profits. Garrick agreed to this. However, finding vineyards and wineries for sale was not an easy task, it took time.

In addition to solving the administrative problems of his assets, Garrick was also taught directly by his mother, Agatha, about magic. By now, he had successfully summoned or materialized all five elements. He could also use magic for everyday purposes, such as making things dry, light, clean, or hot or cold, though his magic was still very rudimentary and he frequently failed to realize his magic. In addition, he has managed to raise 1 more level from the second realm, so that currently Garrick has reached level 4 in the 2nd realm. The amount of mana/qi in his heart chakra has also increased to more than 60%. Garrick's mother, Agatha, had also given him a mat that had a magic diagram similar to the one in the magic tower, which was used to concentrate or suck mana from the surroundings. With that magic mat, Garrick's qi gathering speed increased by more than five times, even if he practiced in the reading room, he could increase it by 50 times. Actually, the effect of this increase was less than without the magic mat, but when compared, there was an increase of two times compared to without the magic mat.

Because Garrick had reached the 1st circle, he was allowed to buy books about magic. Garrick spent five gold coins to buy 10 books on the basics of magic, including how to make magic circles and magic diagrams. From that book, Garrick knew how to make magic circles for all four circles of magic, although only up to the 4th circle. The 6th magic circle and so on were classified and difficult to obtain. However, up to the 2nd magic circle can be made by other mages for a certain price at the magic tower.

With the help of the magic mat, Garric was able to increase his cultivation level by 1 level in the 2nd realm in just 2 weeks, so he had currently reached level 5 of the 2nd realm. The mat was also used by Fiona to increase her cultivation, so currently Fiona's cultivation level had reached 99% of the 1st realm and she would soon be ready to enter the 1st realm. Many times, Garrick explained carefully the changes in the 1st realm and how to reach it.

When Fiona reached 100% of the energy in her dantian, then Garrick took Fiona to the riverbank, where Garrick raised her realm. Once they arrived at the riverbank, Fiona immediately took off all her clothes and soaked in the running water until the water reached almost to her shoulders. Garrick immediately gave orders for Fional to collect the qi around her, even Garrick gave a low-quality magic stone to help Fiona get qi, where the magic stone has a very dense qi so that it can be absorbed in exchange for the qi obtained from the surroundings.

Fiona quickly reached the threshold to transform into the 1st realm. Fiona's face changed to endure the pain caused by the transformation. From Fiona's body came out quite a lot of black tar-like substance that was very smelly due to her body expelling all the toxins, impurities, and transformation residue. Because Fiona was already 19 years old, the amount of tar was much greater than that released by Garrick. Garick also ended up helping to flush the tar out of the parts of Fiona's head and shoulders that were not exposed to water.

Within 15 minutes, Fiona's transformation to reach the 1st realm was complete. All that remained was to stabilize the dantian and replenish the qi in the dantian. The magic stone in Fiona's lap was almost out of qi and began to change from transparency, like it was made of crystal, to an ordinary stone. Seeing that, Garrick helped channel the qi. Garrick went down to the water and held Fiona's shoulder, then Garrick pulled the surrounding qi and channeled it to Fiona. With that, Fiona quickly stabilized her dantian and began to fill it with qi. Fiona's dantian was quickly filled with qi that came from Fiona's own cultivation, the remaining qi from the magic stone and from Garrick. As a result, Fiona transformed again and reached the second level of the 1st realm.

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