Part 2 Chapter 8 Capital City

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Part 2 Chapter 8 Capital City

1 month later

In two days, the Yarrow family will be traveling to the royal capital of Solatia to commemorate the anniversary of the kingdom of Solace and receive honors for Count Harold, Garrick, and Donna. They will depart in a horse-drawn carriage, escorted by 70 of Count Harold's bodyguards on horseback. The journey will be a long one, at least 3 days—so everyone will be traveling by horse or carriage.

The results of the month-long training were quite visible. Garrick's mother, Agatha, was the one who improved her martial arts skills the fastest. She had mastered all 5 levels of the 'Red Swallow' perfectly, not to mention that her hand-to-hand knowledge had also improved drastically. Even Carl, who had also mastered level 5 of the 'Red Swallow' was easily defeated by Agatha. This was because she could combine the light sword techniques of 'Red Swallow' with the heavy sword techniques that had previously been mastered. Even a level 6 knight was easily defeated, it was estimated that Agatha had reached the rank of a level 8+ knight. Especially with the advanced aura technique taught by Garrick, causing Agatha to become invincible.

For Count Harold, it was with great difficulty that he finally managed to master level 1 of 'Red Swallow', and started learning level 2. Count Harold became boastful that among the 5th magic circle mage, no one could defeat him because he could combine magic and mage. But when he practiced with his wife, Agatha, Count Harold couldn't do much because, before he could cast his magic, he was already swept away by Agatha's sword technique. It seemed that he was still unable to fight at short range and become a battle mage.

His younger brother, Wilfred, became very good at hand-to-hand combat, though he did not learn any specific techniques. For his swordsmanship, Wilfred had also only reached level 1 of 'Red Swallow' and could probably reach level 2 with another 2 weeks of practice. His sister Donna was the same, only able to reach level 1 of 'Red Swallow' and her hand-to-hand combat skills were also very marginal. But at least she could win against knights.

For Fionna, Garrick had asked the people at Listern Magic Tower to give Fiona a 2nd magic circle. Currently, Fiona has learned enough for 2nd circle magic and has also reached the 3rd level of the 2nd realm. Because of Fiona's young age, there was not much change due to the increase in cultivation level; only if you noticed, Fiona became much more beautiful, her skin was clean without any blemishes, and her face was more radiant.

Garrick also gave Fiona a new martial arts technique, the dagger technique. The technique was called 'Flying Fox'. The technique consisted of 8 levels, which were divided into three: the first 4 levels using 1 dagger, the following 3 levels using 2 daggers, and the last level using multiple daggers. Within a month, Fiona could reach level 2 of the 'Flying Fox' technique.

Garrick also assisted his younger siblings and parents in performing breathing techniques to gather mana. As a result, Wilfred was progressing fast enough that he would probably advance to the 2nd magic circle in a month or two. His sister Donna is also progressing rapidly, so it seems that she could rise to the 4th magic circle in just one year. Meanwhile, her mother Agatha will probably be able to ascend to the 5th magic circle in 2–3 months. Meanwhile, his father, Count Harold, is still a bit far away from being able to ascend to the 6th magic circle because there is no reference to it, making the journey to the 6th magic circle a long and lonely one.

However, the prospect of having two members of the 5th magic circle in the family caused Count Harold to be very happy. Especially after he heard the news that his brother had also reached the 4th magic circle. That made the Yarrow family as a whole invincible.

Garrick also experienced a rapid increase in his cultivation abilities. He currently uses the 2 days that he didn't meet with Thomas to cultivate in the magic tower of Listern City. Therefore, Garrick could rise to level 2 of the 4th realm. In terms of magic, Garrick also experienced quite good development. Currently, he could almost master the teleportation technique, the success rate was 8 times out of 10 attempts. The distance had also increased to almost 100 meters. At this moment, Garrick was considering telling his parents about his cultivation technique. But he had temporarily abandoned the idea. He waited until he had reached or neared the 5th realm.

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