Part 2 Chapter 23

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The next day
Imperial Palace, Solatia
King Harlow IV's study

Garrick went to see King Harlow IV with Fiona the next day. They arrived at the palace at 1 p.m. Garrick deliberately chose the time after lunch so as not to disturb King Harlow IV's rest.

Arriving at the palace, Garrick immediately met the palace chief of staff, Baron Rhys, who then brought Garrick into King Harlow IV's study. Fiona, however, had to wait in the palace staff lounge.

King Harlow immediately welcomed Garrick. He was happy to see Garrick had arrived safely. Garrick greeted King Harlow IV. King Harlow IV immediately invited him to take a seat in the study.

"I'm glad to see that you were able to arrive safely at the palace. It seems that the obstacles leading to the palace are truly terrible. I myself have ordered an investigation into the matter. But since the investigation team is still newly formed, we still have to wait for the results." King Harlow IV said as he walked to the seat. "Please have a seat, Count."

"Thank you, sire. Fortunately, we did not suffer many casualties, sire. There are only a few wounded people. But it is indeed very suspicious that such a large army can move freely in our country without being noticed." Garrick said.

"Oh, have they been treated?" asked King Harlow IV.

"They have, sire. We brought some healers with us so that we could treat them. I have also ordered to hire a healer in the capital to take better care of them." Garrick said.

"Indeed, this incident is really worrying. If it's the enemy, then it means they are capable of attacking us from within." said King Harlow IV.

"That's right, sire. Therefore, we must thoroughly investigate where the troops came from. Moreover, it seems that many members of that army have high abilities, like elite troops. But we were unable to capture those people. We could only capture alive the bandits who seemed to have been paid to attack us. As for those elite people, we didn't manage to capture them alive. Some committed suicide rather than be caught by us." Garrick said.

"I see? This is just as serious as the attack on the palace the other day. We should really investigate. Did you get any information from the captured bandits?" asked King Harlow IV.

"No, sire. It seems that the bandits were hired through an intermediary, and they were only told that our group was carrying a lot of treasures that could be robbed. The enemy's native troops only attacked after the bandits attacked. The bandits were told that there were troops that would help, but they were not told where the troops were from. We also didn't find anything that could reveal their identity from the corpses of the troops on the battlefield." Garrick said.

"That's really worrying. Garrick, can you teach my elite bodyguard troops so that they can at least get close to the level of your bodyguard troops? I'm frankly worried, as yesterday when I travelled, I was forced to bring a large number of troops. How inconvinient." King Harlow IV said.

"Of course, sire. I actually came with Baroness Fiona, whom we may ask to instruct His Majesty's elite troops while we are in the capital." Garrick said.

"Very well, I will pay Baroness Fiona for that," said King Harlow IV. "I will tell the head of my elite troops that they can be taught by Baroness Fiona tomorrow. Hopefully they can master the knowledge taught by Baroness Fiona, considering your time in the capital is short."

"Thank you, sire, I will inform Baroness Fiona." Garrick said.

"Then what exactly is the purpose of your visit to the capital, Garrick?" asked King Harlow IV.

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