Part 2 Chapter 19

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5 minutes later.

Both Fiona and Garrick felt a greater flow of mana/aura/qi coming from the back of the bandits currently attacking. It was the mercenaries who had much better abilities than the attacking bandits. They were hiding in advance so that the bandits could exhaust the energy of Garrick's group. A good tactic. Garrick became very suspicious that, behind this second army, there would be another army with better skills. But right now, the arrival of that army takes priority.

"All soldiers immediately advance to the front. Let our carriage and wagon be escorted by the guards, leave 10 soldiers near our chariots!" Garrick ordered by shouting, using qi to amplify his voice.

There was a sound of acknowledgement from all of Garrick's entourage, and the composition of Garrick's entourage changed rapidly. They placed Garrick's troops as the better fighters at the front, and the hired bodyguards behind and between the soldiers.

Garrick did not remain silent either, he then used his body lightening to move towards the back of the bandit army to attack the troops that had better abilities than the bandit army in front. The bandit army was left to the soldiers and guards to deal with. Since their numbers were already greatly reduced, the soldiers and guards could easily deal with them.

Garrick, while using his lightening technique, ran towards the back of the army and finished off anyone who was in front of him. His sword was like the mouth of a fast-moving dragon, with the dragon's body being the afterimage of Garrick's fast-moving body. Dozens of people fell victim to Garrick's sword, which was strengthened by the use of qi. It only took less than 30 seconds for Garrick to reach the back of the bandit army. As a result of Garrick reaching the back of the bandit army, the bandit army also became chaotic because they thought they would be attacked from the back of the army.

Garrick ignored the bandit army that began to fall apart, he continued to run towards where he felt a greater flow of mana or aura. After running about 30 meters between the trees, Garrick found a mercenary army that was tidying up the formation to attack forward in place of the bandit army. Garrick quickly attacked the troops.

Garrck's attack was completely unexpected by the mercenary troops. They had to pay with their lives. Garrick's attack was like a scythe that swept through the stalks of grass or wheat. Once slashed, more than five people became victims without a fight because they were completely unprepared for the attack. Only after Garrick had killed more than 50 people were they able to try to defend themselves. But their skills were so far below Garrick's that, like a baby facing a dragon, it took almost no effort to kill them, but as time passed, the army's resistance increased.

Fiona followed Garrick's action by speeding towards the rear of the bandit army in front. Although Fiona was still unable to use the technique of lightening the body, her qi-enhanced steps also caused Fiona to run very fast. Although not as fast as Garrick in killing the bandit army facing her, Fiona was still quickly able to kill more than 30 people and injure more. Unlike Garrick, who left no living troops after fighting him.

Once again, the mercenary troops behind the bandit troops were surprised by Fiona's arrival and were unable to defend themselves. The same thing that happened where Garrick attacked also happened where Fiona attacked, dozens of people were killed without being able to fight back before they finally realized they were attacked and fought back.

Even though there was resistance, the two people, Garrick and Fiona, were still able to finish off the mercenaries quickly. Just as Garrick started using the 'Starry Sky' technique, Fiona used the newly learned '7 Star Sword' technique. Although Fiona had only just finished learning the technique at level 1, the sophistication of the technique compared to the 'Red Swallow', which was intended for child beginners, caused Fiona to truly become like a grim reaper that cut down the mercenary army without much difficulty.

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