Part 2 Chapter 21

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In a small village, about 20 km from the city...

In a hut located at the edge of the village, several people had gathered. They were discussing the situation that was currently developing regarding Garrick's party.

"We've suffered a huge setback. I didn't expect that the ability of the troop personnel under Count Garrick would be so great. Moreover, there are a number of people with extremely high abilities who are responsible for the deaths of a large part of our troops." The leader of those people said.

"That's right, even two of us have become casualties," said one of the men, whose hands were bandaged due to severe injuries.

"Don't forget that they were also able to destroy the nest of the bandits who attacked them. That's the same as them counterattacking." said another person whose head was bandaged.

"Then how can we carry out the orders given to us? Our troops are practically wiped out. We have no idea how many bandits and troops we hired are left. What's clear is that the elite troops we brought have less than 20 people remaining," said another person wearing merchant-like clothes.

"We obviously don't have time to hire troops again with the time we have left because the distance between the place where Count Garrick's group is located is already very close to the capital," said the person with bandaged hands.

"Indeed, even though our preparations were very thorough, they still failed because of the ability of the troops brought by Count Garrick's entourage." Their leader said.

"It seems that we have to give news of this failure to the people in the capital." said the man dressed as a merchant.

"Right, we did what we could. This failure is not entirely our fault. I don't think even the kingdom's elite troops can resist the strength of the troops brought by Count Garrick." said the person with the bandaged head.

"Well, we will send news to the capital immediately. We will immediately withdraw all our assets and return home," said their leader.

All the people nodded, indicating that they all agreed with the decision. Some time later, there were several carrier pigeons flying out of the hut. Most of the carrier pigeons headed towards the capital, but some headed elsewhere. That day, the hut became empty again, as messy and dirty as it was before those people came a few weeks ago.


Ota City, the small town that Garrick's group was traveling to.

Garrick finally arrived at the town that was right after the battlefield. As soon as they arrived, Garrick and Fiona went to see the town leader, who was a baron named Yeta.

Garrick and Fiona had to wait a while for Baron Yeta to receive them. It seemed that Baron Yeta was reluctant to receive them, but Garrick's position as a count meant that Yeta had to meet them. If she didn't meet Garrick, then it could be considered an insubordination that could be punished immediately because of the considerable rank between baron and count, even though Baron Yeta was not Garrick's subordinate. Indeed, the rank of nobility was unavoidable.

"Count Garrick, it is an honor to have you in Ota." Baron Yeta said it with a smile that seemed forced.

This was, of course, deeply felt by Garrick and Fiona. The two looked at each other before Fiona finally answered Baron Yeta's pleasantries.

"Baron, we are reporting that our group was attacked in your territory. You did not even send men or help, even though we sent news to you immediately after the attack. Or rather, after we managed to overcome the attack." Fiona said.

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