Part 2 Chapter 9 Capital City Part 2

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The next day

They still have one day to walk around before the independence celebration event in the form of a military parade, followed by an award ceremony the next day after parade day.

Therefore, on this day, they will go back to walk towards the magic tower of the city of Solatia and also the royal knight academy. In addition, they would walk around the city and have lunch at one of the leading restaurants in the city. They went for a walk because, for the three children of Count Harold, it was their first time in the royal capital.

After having breakfast together, they immediately departed using 2 horse-drawn carriages, where one carriage contained them as a family, and 1 carriage contained their assistants, maids, or bodyguards. Those carried in the second carriage were only those who could do magic or understand martial arts that can act as bodyguard. Of course, Fiona was on it.




Solatia City Magic Tower

They arrived at the magic tower of Solatia City at 9 a.m.It was still early enough that there weren't many people around or activities going on. They met with one of the deputy directors of the magic tower. This was because the director was out of town and would be arriving in the afternoon.

The deputy director, named Aslam, was a 4th magic circle mage. He was an old friend who had a 'rivalry' relationship with Count Harold. Therefore, not only was he happy to meet count Harold after not seeing him for several years, but Aslam was also upset that count Harold could pass him to the 5th magic circle. Whereas in the past he was the one who always made fun of Harold because his magic ability was below him.

In the initial conversation after they met, the aroma of competition was already visible, and now count Harold was gloating that he was already in the 5th magic circle, even though it was wrapped in self-deprecating words. On the other hand, Aslam also did not want to lose, he mentioned some of his work in the field of magic to Harold.

Agatha could only roll her eyes at the childish behavior of the two adults. The two people completely ignored her. Meanwhile, Donna, Garrick, and Wilfred could only stare at their father's strange behavior. After almost half an hour of them exchanging their successes, they finally calmed down and Count Harold introduced the children and his wife.

"This is my wife Agatha, she has reached the 4th magic circle like you. Also, these are my three children. Garrick and Donna have reached 3rd magic circle, and Wilfred has almost reached 2nd magic circle." Cont Harold said proudly.

Agatha rolled her eyes again, and Aslam just snorted, saying in a flat tone, "Hmm, nice to meet you."

"Donna would love to see the magic tower in the capital, Aslam. Do you think you could take us for a look. There might be things we can buy too." Coun. Harold said.

"Well, I happen to be free. Indeed, the magic tower in the capital must be much better than the one in Listern City because it is the center of all magic towers in this kingdom. You can also buy the items we produce or order magic items from us. If it is made quickly, it can be picked up in a few days, otherwise, it can be sent to Listern." Aslam said.

They were invited to look around the entire magic tower. They saw the magic laboratory, the magic training center, and so on. For an hour, they walked around the entire Magic Tower facility. In the end, they went to the place where the magic goods were sold in the magic tower.

There, they saw many strange magic items. But as the shopkeeper in the border town had said, they didn't see any better magic wands than the ones they bought at the border shop. Aslam explained that they could ask for a better magic wand, but the price and time would be very long. That was because the items needed to make them were very hard to come by.

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