Part 2 Chapter 24

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The next day.
Garrick's residence in the Capital

Garrick woke up quite early because, while sleeping, he was very restless, thinking about the cultivation that would cause him to return alone. He recalled how sad his heart was when he, as Jiang Hua, cried every time his parents left for good. He was also always there when his siblings died. When his last parent, his mother, died, Jiang Hua was depressed for almost a year. He can only function like a robot. Moreover, one of his younger siblings had also preceded him. Although he tried to prolong her family's life with both qi and medicine, no one in his family was able to live more than 130 years. But despite that, he managed to keep his family in good health for the rest of their lives.

Such a carving was enough to make Garrick pensive as he woke up from his sleep at 4.30 in the morning. For a long time, Garrick was pensive, and he couldn't help but shed tears, remembering his parents and family from his previous life. But eventually Garrick was able to break away from the negative thoughts and get up to wash his face.

After that, since it was still early in the morning and his mind was still not good enough for cultivation, Garrick started writing again to continue making the 'Red Swallow' manual that would be given to Princess Elize. Since it was still morning and there was enough time, he managed to finish quite a lot of the manual.




Garrick spent the entire morning starting to write the 'Red Swallow' manual for Princess Elize. But it seemed that he didn't have enough time to finish it today. At 8 o'clock, Fiona came into his room to tell him that breakfast was ready. They had to eat breakfast before heading to the castle. Garrick would start teaching Princess Elize again, and Fiona would start teaching the elite bodyguards of King Harlow IV.

After breakfast, Garrick chatted briefly with the builders who were constructing an addition to his house. He inquired about any additional requirements or ideas for completing the outbuilding. After that, he left for the palace with Fiona.


A few hours later,.
Princess Elize's residence

Upon Garrick's arrival at the Palace, he went straight to Princess Elize's residence, while Fiona went with Baron Rhys to the training ground of the elite soldiers of King Harlow IV's bodyguard. When Garrick arrived at Princess Elize's residence, he discovered that Princess Elize was still studying country management under the guidance of a palace official. Garrick had to wait quite a long time until Princess Elize finished studying with the palace official.

While waiting, Garrick continued to write the 'Red Swallow' manual that would be given to Princess Elize. Garrick waited long enough to finish the book. By the time Princess Elize was able to receive Garrick, he had completed over 60% of the 'Red Swallow' manual.

After finishing her lesson, Princess Elize immediately grabbed her wooden sword and ran to the waiting room where Garrick was waiting. Princess Elize had been alerted by one of her servants to Garrick's arrival.

"Count Garrick! What about the manual you promised? Is it finished?" asked Princess Elize as she saw Garrick.

"It's not finished yet, Princess. It's only half done, maybe tomorrow or the day after tomorrow it will be finished. But don't be disappointed, Princess, I will teach you the 3rd level of 'Red Swallow' right now," said Garrick.

Princess Elize looked a bit disappointed to hear that, but perked up again when she heard that Garrick would teach her the 3rd level of 'Red Swallow' directly.

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