Part 2 Chapter 7 Training

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6 months later.

Garrick had reached cultivation at level 11 in the 3rd realm. He felt that it was currently very difficult to increase his level. Therefore, he would accept the fact that he had to ascend to the 4th realm, Nascant Soul. Meanwhile, his magic circle had long been full and could no longer be expanded, so at any time he could ascend to the 3rd Circle. Garrick really didn't expect that at almost 6 years old, he was already able to reach the 4th realm cultivation rank. The same was true for his magic ability. Only fewer than 200 people were able to reach the 3rd magic circle in the entire kingdom.

Meanwhile, Fiona had already managed to reach the 2nd realm more or less before last. Fiona, who didn't want to make it difficult for Garrick, went alone to the river and ascended to the 2nd realm. However, this caused Garrick to be rather angry, because when ascending the realm, one would be in a precarious state, and if disturbed, it could be life-threatening. Therefore, Garrick really emphasized that in the future, if Fiona was going to ascend the realm, she should tell Garrick and go together to the river, so that Garrick could take care of her. But after Fiona reached the 2nd realm, she stagnated, at this time, Fiona still couldn't increase her level. However, Fiona's magic ability was increasing fast enough that in 1 or 2 months, Fiona would be able to increase her magic rank to the 2nd magic Circle.

Meanwhile, Carl had fully mastered the 'Red Swallow' Technique. Therefore, Garrick estimated that Carl was currently the strongest person in Yarrow countdom in the field of swordsmanship outside of Fiona and Garrick. Meanwhile, the soldiers under Garrick had also improved a lot, with the highest being able to master level 3 of the 'Red Swallow'.

Garrick's parents also experienced rapid improvement, at this time Agatha had begun to successfully learn the science of 'Red Swallow'. Hence her combat ability increased rapidly, Agatha had already managed to learn level 2 of the 'Red Swallow'. On top of that, Agatha had also managed to fill 1/5 of her magic circle, so if such progress continued, then in less than 3 years she would most likely be able to reach the 5th magic circle. It seems that Agatha has now become one of the best swordswomen in the kingdom, and it will be difficult to find someone who can beat her.

Her father, Count Harold, had successfully ascended to the 5th magic circle two weeks ago. His ascension was the hottest news in the kingdom. This is because there are only 2 people who have the rank of the 5th magic circle in the kingdom. There were rumors that Count Harold was about to be promoted to marquess by the king because of his success. Although Count Harold did not want to learn martial arts, after being forced by all his family members, he finally did, especially hand-to-hand. For the sword, Count Harold only learned the basics of 'Red Swallow', not up to level 1. But at least Count Harold would be able to defend himself only with his martial arts.

His two brothers were also taught the basics of martial arts, so that, in the event of their magic not working, at least they could defend themselves. His brother Wilfred seemed to be quite talented in hand-to-hand combat, even Count Harold could not defeat Wilfred in hand-to-hand combat. While his sister Donna was less talented in martial arts, her ability was the weakest among her family. Only her swordsmanship could slightly surpass Wilfred's due to the physical strength caused by her older age.

But all of that made Count Harold very proud. He often boasted that nowadays even families that specialized in swordsmanship would have a hard time facing their family using swordmanship alone.

Garrick had run out of rations for the training room in the magic tower. Therefore, he bought the use of the training room in the magic tower himself. He spent one platinum coin to get 20 days. Four days were given to his two siblings, where each person was given two days. Meanwhile, Fiona was given one day.

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