Chapter 1- Part One: Welcome to Jade Mountain

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"Fly faster Skua!" Anemone called from in front of me.

"I'm surveying the area!" I shouted back. I could see many SandWings entering the school, a few SkyWings saying goodbyes, and two NightWings over by a large oak tree. The bigger NightWing pointed at mother and said something to the other, I'm guessing they noticed that mother was right there. The little NightWing replied with something inaudible. I looked over to see mother diving down so I followed suit.

"Anemone! Ice! Skua!" I heard a familiar voice yell.

"Tsunami!" We all yelled in unison, I barrel rolled into my sister and embracing her in the biggest hug ever.

"You came!" She said into my ear.

"I'm really not sure about this." Mother said discouragingly. Auklet tried to bounce over to Tsunami but her harness wouldn't allow her to.

"I'll take great care of them, I promise." Tsunami reassured her, "Hi Auklet!"

"Me too, me too! I want to go to school, too!" Auklet jabbered. I chuckled slightly. Auklet just wants to be like us.

"Maybe next year, Auklet." Auklet's harness wrapped around her snout and I carefully unwrapped it.

"You are much too young. I can't risk you, especially not when the girls are away. I'm only allowing this because Skua badgered me everyday." Mother said sternly. I looked away guiltily. Ice and Turtle failed at holding in their giggles.

"You can come home anytime understand? If you feel threatened, or lonely, or overworked, or tired-"

"Mother we'll be fine." I said smiling to make sure she got the message.

Tsunami pointed at Turtle and asked, "Who's this?"

Mother gestured to him and answered. "This is one of your brothers. He heard about this and really wanted to come, too. Which one are you again."

Turtle looked mildly disappointed, "Turtle." I brushed my tail against his to give him some extra support. He shivered when my scales touched his, I totally forgot that I was half IceWing.

"One of my brothers? I guess I knew male eggs survived when your female eggs were destroyed- but I didn't think about brothers." Tsunami admitted.

"There are thirty of us." Turtle explained. I looked at Tsunami's shocked face and slipped away. All I could hear was some jabbering from my family as I went over to a nice-enough looking NightWing carrying a very large scroll.

"Hello! Let me guess- you're Princess Skua, aren't you?!" The NightWing said over excitedly. "I'm weirdly good at guessing. Almost as though I'm... reading your mind, eh?" The incandescent scales around my eyes light up in alarm.

"Just kidding." The NightWing reassured me, "Maaaaybe."

"I'm Fatespeaker. I'm not a teacher like the others; I'm just helping wherever I can. Here's your welcome scroll and your map." She shoved two scrolls into my talons and I let a little grunt out. "Hey look you've got spikes just like the IceWings do. It is Princess Skua, right?"

"Erm, yes. But just Skua would be great. I mean, just call me Skua." I mumbled.

"Well, Skua... Welcome to the great hall of Jade Mountain!" Fatespeaker announced. My eyes widened as I took in the vastness of the cave.

Woah. Was the only word I could form in my head.

{516 words}

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