Chapter 3

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"Today is an exploring day. They want the school to be about finding out what you're interested in and exploring it." Kinkajou explained as we strode down the corridor at a steady pace. Maybe they have a music cave, I really like music, it's the one thing Mother lets me do for myself.

"They? As in more dragons?" I asked curiously, I mean I knew Tsunami and Clay were here but maybe everyone except Glory is.

"Yeah, the Dragonets of Destiny! I'm really good friends with them. Especially Queen Glory, we're practically best friends.

"I know who the Dragonets are, Kinkajou," I said, "Tsunami is my sister."

Kinkajou ignored me and went on blabbering, "They knew I wouldn't be able to read the announcements everywhere- I mean, not yet!- So Sunny and Clay explained their whole plan to me ahead of time." We walked past a giant piece of slate engraved with the day's announcements. "Come on, Skua, the library is this way!" I opened my wings and beat them to catch up with the energetic RainWing.

When we arrived I was surprised at how big the library was, I thought it would be much smaller. "Glory got those big leaves from the rainforest." Kinkajou pointed out to me.

"Hi, Starflight." I said to the blind librarian.

"Hello, Princess," He said trying to find where my voice was coming from, "is that Kinkajou with you?"

"You know it!" She piped up. I looked up and saw two banners, one read "The claws of war are no match for the wings of wisdom." the other said, "Knowledge is a flame in the darkness."

How sweet, I thought. I tapped Starflight's desk gingerly. "Here's your library stamp." He said in his usual, comforting, drawl. "Kinkajou, Skua, this is Sora. Sora is one of Clay's sisters."

She looks really nervous, I wonder why.

"Nice to meet you Sora. I'm Skua, Tsunami's sister." I introduced myself.

"Nice to meet you, too." She said briefly before diving back into her scroll.

"Let's visit the music wing next! Or- I heard there's and old ghost somewhere in Jade Mountain. Maybe we could find him!" Kinkajou snapped me back to reality.

Music cave? Please can we go there? I begged her in my mind.

Starflight interrupted my train of thought, "Kinkajou, you're talking about Stonemover. He's not a ghost. He's Sunny's father, and he's a perfectly nice old NightWing."

Kinkajou yawned, "You should tell everyone he's a ghost. That would be way more exciting. Are you hungry Skua? We could find the prey center."

"Sora want to come?" I asked turning to the MudWing.

"No, thank you." She said and we left.

"Everyone, stop moving! Especially you, chickens! Chickens, give up! We're going to eat you! There's nothing you can do about it! Stop running away right now!" Clay was screaming. It was so noisy and crowded in the prey center, I almost walked out then and there.

"Looks like CLay has everything under control!" Kinkajou said sarcastically. I giggled a bit at the remark.


"Oh, look, there's my friend Coconut." Kinkajou gestured to a bright green RainWing. "At least I thought he was my friend until I got abducted by bad guys for three weeks and he didn't even notice I was gone."

"Hmmm, what? Kinkajou? Didn't I say I was sorry about that?" He mumbled. "Or did I? Something like that."

"Mostly you say 'Hm, what?' every time I bring it up." I was trying to hold in my laughter, all the while this drama was unfolding, "I'm going to learn to read eons before he does."

"Why is that?" He retorted.

"Because I'm smarter than you. That was implied, Coconut."

"Right." He said with his mouth full of mango. "The mangoes are pretty good. I was told to eat them first because they're all ripe. I like bananas better, but mangoes are fine. I don't particularly like coconuts though."

"Ironic." I said under my breath.

"Whewf, my plan hasn't gone exactly as planned." Clay barged in. "I thought it'd be fun to have live prey like we did growing up. I guess it's more manageable with five dragonets than thirty-five."

I laughed and surveyed the dragons around me, when my eyes passed over where most of the SandWings were huddled I saw the same pale yellow SandWing quickly glancing to and from me. Has no one ever taught him that staring is creepy?! Like dude, look away, I'm nothing special. Though seriously Mr. Desert-face if you don't look away in the next five seconds I will come over there and freeze your scarred face off!  Clay interrupted my mass of vivid thoughts. "I'm glad you found Kinkajou, Skua. I thought you two would be a good match." How did he think we are a good match? I'm literally the output of Tsunami and Turtle's personalities mashed into one very weird dragon.

"Hey, Kinkajou, I'm going to go find the music cave if that's ok with you." I informed my little clawmate.

"Shurf, gof aheadf." She said with half a papaya shoved in her mouth. I turned on my heels and walked towards the exit.

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